Bike Ride

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"they seemed nice" said Hoseok walking out of the bar

"why did you have to invite them to seat with us' asked Jungkook, annoyed.
Hoseok chuckled" man why are you so annoyed by that boy its so visible on your face"

"i dont know, he is annoying, why is he smiling all the time and so happy and so flirty" he said the last part quietly

"oh come on just because we have a sad life doesn't mean everyone will be sad as well. In my opinion he is great and really makes everyone around him happy with his jokes" said Hoseok taking the key out of his pocket "ok see you all in office, good night guys" with that he got into his car

"good night kook" said yoongi and he got into the car as well and drove away

Jungkook kept looking at Yoongi's car driving away

He remembered the time in the bar and the things he observed

"you are so smitten by your assistant yoongs" smiled jungkook

Taehyung took his bike and started driving.

Midway he stopped when he saw a well built man standing in front of a car which seemed to have broken.

Taehyung smiled a bit and got off from his bike

"car problems?"

Jungkook turned around and saw taehyung standing there with the helmet on.

He rolled his eyes, not even bothered to answer his question

"this guy so cant hide his feelings" thought taehyung.

"yeah it broke but i can manage" jungkook said going nack to his car, trying to fix whatever the problem was.

"you know our apartment is still quite far and i dont think you will find anything here now" taehyung said

"its ok i will walk"

"you know i can give you a lift"

"i am fine. I will walk" and with that jungkook started walking

After a while it started raining, jungkook immediately ran and stood under the bus stop. He frowned looking at the drizzles. He took out his phone to see if he can get a taxi but unfortunately it was out of charge.

Meanwhile a bike came and stopped there.

Taehyung got off the bike and stood beside jungkook

"you know i know that you find me irritating" said taehyung

Jungkook didn't say anything just looked at him

"you are like a clear river, where one can easily see the bottom of the river, nothing is hidden. Your face gives away your emotions you know, you are really bad at hiding it" he giggled

"if you know why dont you leave me alone" asked jungkook.

"heyyyy i never followed you or anything, its destiny. Destiny always brings us together" he said dramatically as if he is some hopeless romantic from one of those romantic clichéd kdramas.

Jungkook looked the other way

"ok now come with me" said taehyung





"NO!" Jungkook snapped "just leave me alone! Why are you so annoying and why the hell are you smiling all the time!!!! Life is what to you a bed of roses?? No its not!! Get out of your f***ing dreamland and be realistic!!" he looked away to the other side.

Taehyung stood there for a while then walked away.

Realising that he was alone jungkook slowly looked back to the spot where taehyung was standing. He was gone.

Finally he is gone...

But as soon as he looked straight he was taken aback. Taehyung was standing just an inch away from his face.

"you are one stubborn human being!! Who told you to like me or anything?? You don't need to like just get on the freaking bike and go home!! I have been so nice to you and all you have done is roll your freaking eyes!! Stop rolling it so much it will pop out of the socket! " taehyung closed his eyes and exhaled then with gritted teeth he said" For once put down your guards and come with me you obnoxious man!! "

Jungkook was dumbfounded

"did you just yel---

" yes i did!! Because that's the tone you understand, you pompous rock!! Now dont say a single word and come with me "

With that taehyung put the helmet on his head and dragged him to the bike.

" sit"

And like an obedient kid jungkook sat. This was after a long time anyone yelled at jungkook.

Taehyung was driving the the bike and jungkook was sitting at the back.

Jungkook didn't know what to think about all these. For some reason this boy was really getting on to him. It has not been long since they met but somewhere he felt different about him..... Something he has never felt before

"you wanna know why i am smiling all the time" yelled Taehyung making sure jungkook hears him

Jungkook didn't say any thing

On the side view mirror taehyung looked at jungkook's face he was looking the other way but taehyung was pretty sure he heard him

"Life is unpredictable, you never know when what will happen. Maybe one day you are all good and the next day you are lying on the hospital bed. You need to count your blessings if you dont you will not realise how beautiful life is."

Jungkook now slowly looked at taehyung. This was the first time he was hearing such positive things about life

" yes life will have its challenges, but that's another beauty of life. You need to live life to its fullest..... I want to live life Jeon Jungkoooook"and then screaming his name taehyung speed up his bike a bit

" taehyung slowwww down" jungkook yelled holding on to taehyung and closing his eyes.

When he opened his eyes he realised that the rain has stopped and they have reached their destination.

But jungkook was still holding on to him

"man for a crime detective you are quite a chicken" chuckled taehyung

Jungkook immediately let go of him and was trying to take off the helmet.

Taehyung got off the bike and went near jungkook helping him to open the helmet

His face was quite close jungkook's, so much so that jungkook could feel his breath.

"and the reason why i am always smiling is because I want others to be happy. You never know jungkook what the other person is going through or how his life is. Maybe your little kindness or your silly little joke can just cheer that person up and help him to be a bit happy.. Hmm? "

Jungkook looked at taehyung who took the helmet off his head.

His words touched jungkook. A new way of thinking... something which jungkook had never thought before. He realised taehyung not only had a beautiful face but an extremely beautiful soul.

"see you later buddy and chill out a bit yeah?" saying that taehyung took the key out of the bike and walked away from there, whistling.

Leaving behind a very confused jungkook.

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