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"Movie night??" Taehyung asked surprised

"Yeah as it is the weekend tomorrow so Jungkook and I thought of planning a movie night at our place. What say? Isnt it a good idea?" Namjoon replied putting the bread in his mouth. He watched Taehyung thoroughly...waiting for a reply.

Taehyung was looking down at his breakfast. He was alright with having a movie night but what he didnt understand is how did namjoon and Jungkook become so close all of a sudden. As far as he remember he never even saw them having a normal conversation let alone be friends

"What are you thinking Tae?" Namjoon interrupts his thought

Taehyung looks up "hyung I am finding it a bit strange"

Namjoon gets a bit nervous "umm what?"

"This friendship between you and Jungkook. I mean I never even saw you guys talking now all of a sudden you guys are like buddies or something??"

Namjoon puts up a fake smile trying to hide his nervousness "Oh no no no Tae its not like that. We met in the corridor and Jungkook just suggested the idea so I agreed "

Taehyung raised his eyebrow "Jungkook? Suggested movie night?"

He smirks a bit "hyung Jungkook isn't even that much into movies why would he suggest a movie night??"

Now Namjoon realised that he should have said something else but it was too late the damage was already done.

Taehyung kept looking at his brother for a convincing reply but when he didn't get one he decided to let it go, even though he was still skeptical "nevermind I am okay with it I will be back at 8" with that he leaves and namjoon exhales deeply

Immediately he takes out his phone and writes a text

"It is done. He is in"

Jungkook looks at the text and puts it back in his pocket to focus on the person sitting in front of him

"So where were we? Tell me Kim Junghyun how did you know Seokjin"

A tall man with round eyes and a slightly tanned face is revealed. He was almost around the age of Namjoon and was getting extremely nervous with the questions thrown at him

"I I i" he clears his throat "we used to work together at Jungse Corporations"

Jungkook leans a bit forward "So I guess you knew Soomin as well?"

Junghyun looks up and again looks down. He had sweat all over his forehead.  It has been years since he talked about this matter "Yeah-h but not that well"

"What happened to them?"

"I I don't know"

"You Don't know?? You were colleagues but you don't know??"

"I swear I don't!! They they just dis-saappe-ared"

"People do not disappear Junghyun!!" Jungkook slightly raised his voice "are you hiding something???"

"No!!" Junghyun starts to panic

"You need to tell me the truth!!what happened to Seokjin and Soomin???"

Junghyun suddenly breaks out "please please I beg you don't ask me please please please just let me go I don't want to be a part of it please please!!!" And he just starts crying which makes Jungkook halt his interrogation unwillingly

"Fine you may go. But we will call you again if needed"

Junghyun gets into his car and was about to start when his phone rings

With shaky hands he picks it up


"What were you doing in the police station??"

A rasp stern voice speaks from the other side

"N-nothing. "

"Kim. One word and you know the consequence"

Sweats form on his forehead as shivers run down his spine "pl-please its been years....let me-e go please"

Junghyun was almost at the verge of break down. He couldnt take this anymore

"Dont worry soon I will set you free"

With that the phone call ended. Junghyun broke down resting his head on the steering wheel

Snippets of the past flashes in front of him ....where he ran back to the office to get the wallet he had left behind but what he witnessed changed his life forever.

He saw soomin running towards Seokjin

He saw her devastated state

He heard the bitter words spoken by Jungse.

Junghyun wanted to go and help Seokjin but Jungse didnt allow him to and since then he has been threatened by the vicious man to keep his mouth shut. Ever since that day he was living his life in complete fear.

"He was the 20th employee from Jungse Corporation that you interrogated Jungkook!! Will you atleast tell me what is the reason?? And who is this Seokjin?"

Hoseok was agitated, he was so pissed at Jungkook. This was the first time Jungkook was doing things that he had no idea about and everytime he asked, the raven head would just walk away, silently.... this time also he was about to do the same but Hobi grabbed his arm

"Jungkook please! Not as a friend but atleast as your partner tell me what are you upto?? I seriously feel like a dumbass!! I have absolutely no clue what you are doing. Dont you trust me kook??"

Jungkook gently moved his hand away from hobi's grip "it is not about trust Hobi. But it is connected to someone very dear to me. I would have told you if it was about me but it isnt. Please forgive me" and he walks away with his head hung low

"I have no idea what you are doing kook, but what ever it is I just hope it doesnt put you in any danger"

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