The Prey

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Jungkook looks around the huge mansion. Every corner is a display of  how much wealth Jungse has "earned". That man didn't leave any stone unturned to let the world know that how rich he is.

As a part of the plan, he decided to be with Jungse all the time. He could have easily appointed any other officer but as the whole thing was his plan he wanted to be the one to do it.

Jungkook's eyes fell on the enormous picture on the wall. It showed Jungse with his new family, his wife and two daughters. It reminded him of that last family picture that he burnt into ASHES few days ago. He looked intensely at all those faces. His wife looked so naive and his daughters had the same fear in their eyes that he and jeena had.

Was he as ruthless to them as he was to Jungkook's family?

His eyes were stuck on the picture when he suddenly he felt someone clearing his throat.

He looked to his side and Jungse was standing there with two glasses of scotch in his hand, he gave one to Jungkook.

"My family moved to Italy long time ago" he says taking the sip of the drink

Jungkook remains quite. It would be such an endearing moment for any son to share a drink with his long lost father but unfortunately not for him.

He takes a sip of his drink and again looks at that picture. His mother's painful sobs ring in his ear.

He was about to take another sip when Jungse say "You do remind me of someone....alot"

Jungkook stops the glass just inches away from his mouth and looks at him with a stern face "who?" he takes the sip still looking at Jungse.

"My son" Jungse says

Jungkook looks back at the picture "I don't see him here"

Jungse turns around from him and goes and stands near the fireplace "No that was my first marriage, my first family"

For a slight moment Jungkook feels a hint of affection from his father but what he says next shatters his hope "his mother was the biggest mistake of my life"

Jungkook's hold around his glass tightens. The woman he worshipped was being called a "mistake" that too by the one who ruined her.

"where are they now" asks Jungkook, keeping his voice normal

"I really don't know and don't really care" Jungse takes long puff of his cigar "they were filth and i removed them from my life to make my life better" he turns around to find jungkook still looking at the portrait.

"do you remember your son's name Mr.Jungse"asks jungkook

Mr. Jungse frowns" uhmm uh i think it was jeehun or something, met him years ago you know "

Jungkook feels a tug in his heart, his father doesn't even remember his fucking name!!and the man had absolutely no remorse, it was as if he forgot the name of a restaurant or street. He called his mother a mistake, his family a filth and forgot his name how disappointing can a human being be? Jungkook was on the verge of punching but he had to keep himself composed not only for his duty but because he didn't want Jungse to know his identity. Not now, not ever.

"You know Mr. Jeon, these things like family and love these are worthless they don't give you anything in life." he goes closer to him "you are a young man with a handsome face dont think about family, think about how many ladies you can bed, huh?" with that he starts to chuckle loudly showing his horribly ugly teeth.

Jungkook doesn't even look at him, he is so disgusted by his own father "Excuse me Mr. Jungse". He puts the glass on the table with a loud thud and walks off to the washroom

As soon as he gets in the washroom he goes near the sink and splashes water on his face.... Jungse's words ringing in his ears.

He looks up, panting, at the mirror. His face all drenched, water droplets dropping from his hair.

An image appears on that mirror where he sees his father misbehaving with a young girl in the Grocery store where he had gone with a seven year old Jungkook to buy some bread. The disgusting man was not even bothered that his son was watching him touching another girl.

The scene changes to a 11 year old Jungkook watching his father beat his mother with a belt.

But suddenly it all vanishes when he hears something.


No one is in the house

All the servants have been asked to leave.

Hobi and the other officers, are outside in the cottage they were not supposed to come with out Jungkook's order.

Its only him and Jungse

Jungse is in a different room and Jungkook knows that its not his footsteps.

He was not wearing boots.

So is it?

Has the prey entered the trap?

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