The Hidden Man

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Jungkook stops the car right infront of the building. He sighs deeply recalling his argument with Hobi

"I know there is something that you are not telling me" Hobi demands sitting right beside Jungkook who abruptly gets up and tries to get away from there as an attempt to escape the questions.

" JUNGKOOK STOP" Hobi turns him around and looks directly into his eyes "Can you please tell me what is wrong? Is it about your father? Jeene?? Is is Taeh...

" Hobi please!!" Snaps Jungkook "at the moment i do not want to share anything with anyone even with you!! Let my personal stuff be personal FOR GOD'S SAKE!!" and with that he storms off.

Jungkook walks out of the elevator recalling Hobi's face which was disappointed but there was nothing he could do. He didnt want anyone to know about Taehyung, not even his best friend.

He unlocks the door and gets into his dark house as he closes the door and locks it , someone wraps a rope around his neck pulling Jungkook backwards. The keys drop from his hand hitting the floor with a thud.

The entire house was dark as the lights were off the only source of light were the lights coming from outside through the window.

Jungkook chokes and struggles, as the rope tightens around his neck. The one pulling him was strong and quite professional. He tries to drag down jungkook to the floor but it was not an easy job pulling down a big mascular man.

"Why the f are you fighting? It will be of no use" he says in a deep cold voice.

Jungkook with all his strength hits the man's face with the back of his head and luckily it hit his nose. The rope loosens a bit and jungkook manages to get out. He quickly turns around, panting, and even in that little light he notices the silver hair

Its not V

Jungkook kicks him hard making him fall on his back and he immidiately grabs his neck "who the f are you" he says through gritted teeth

The man grins and punches Jungkook hard on his face making him stumble on the floor, he quickly takes a vase and smashes it on his Jungkook's head making him groan in pain.

"Why are you being so difficult officer? What is the use? Hmm?"

Jungkook clutches his head with both hands as he groans in pain

The man chuckles "you shouldnt have messed with us," he kicks him

"Now I know I know you were tryng to be a "hero" but why?? Hmm??" He crouches near Jungkook

"Why do you care so much about Kim Seokjin?" He says the name in a mere whisper

Jungkook opens his eyes and realises it was someone from Jungse's gang. He was still panting and sweating but he manages to look at the man, directly into his eyes

The man was so confident yet there was a sinister aura around him something that would make you uncomfortable.

He smirks "by the way how is Jeena? And that little boy?" He tilts his head as he says those word in a mockery tone "poor child I wonder how would he feel loosing his mother" jungkook grabs his neck but just then both of their attention shifts towards the door as a continuous series of knocking is heard.....

"Jungkook??" Taehyung knocks again "is everything alright?? Jungkook?? Are you there?? I heard some noises?? Jungkook??" Taehyung keeps knocking the door

"My my who is that?"

Jungkook panics, he realized that this man CANNOT have an encounter with Taehyung if he recognizes him then they will know that Seokjin's brother is here.

Forgetting all about his pain, he quickly grabs the man and beats him hard but the man was strong he fights back. While on one side of the door Jungkook was putting up a fight not to protect himself but Taehyung ...then on the other side of the door Taehyung was getting extremely worried hearing all the noises. He kept calling Jungkook out but there was no respond.

Taehyung quickly ran inside his house and got the spare key that Jungkook had given him.

With Shaky hands he opened the door !!

He saw a man, whose back was on his side trying to punch Jungkook who was busy dodging it and punching the man back.

With out giving a second thought Taehyung at once ran and grabbed the man by his black coat he turned him around and was about to punch him, when he stopped!

He knew him.

But how? Where has he seen him before?? The face infront of him starts to get blurry.....everythingstarts to get blurry for Taehyung.

Byung Chul frowned looking at that face..isnt it?

"You are here Byung Chul" a deep voice spoke out of Taehyung "its been long isnt it?" He punched the man... he punched him hard making him drop to the floor. Byung Chul himself was an evil monster but this man who was now launching punches at him seemed to be more sinister

Byung Chul punched him back making V fall on the floor. He then quickly ran away not because he was scared but because there was something he needed to inform his boss right now and for that he needed to be alive. Yes, he needs to be alive because Byung chul cannot lose himself in a silly combat when he had to prepare for the bigger war.

"STOP" Screamed V, that husky voice echoed through the house. Jungkook quickly ran to him and held him tighly "Tae you need to calm down" he hugged him from the back trying to stop him from running after that man

"LET ME GO!!" Roared V

"Stop it V!!! Let go of Taehyung!!" He warned



Jungkook realised the body was slowly loosing its energy and getting lump in his hold. He along with Taehyung, whom he was still holding from the back, sat down on the floor.

The person in Jungkook's hold looked at his bloody knuckles and then slowly he looked at Jungkook. His forehead and his eyes were covered by the wavy sweaty hair and due to the darkness Jungkook couldnt see his expression properly but he clearly heard what he asked

"Who is V?"

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