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Among all these chaos Jungkook totally forgot that he needs to meet his sister today. It was only when the girl sent him a text, reminding him of it that he set off to meet her.

However, even though he was out of the crime scene his mind was still stuck on that barbaric man who thinks of law as a joke

No its not a joke and I will soon teach you that

After a while Jungkook reached the cafe, it was a quiet and cozy one with not many customers in there.

Within a few minutes, he spot his sister sitting in a corner near the window.

Jeena looked a lot like her mother tall lean, short wavy hair but one thing that she and her brother had in common was their bunny smile.

Jungkook went closer to her but the first thing which he found odd was she was wearing sunglasses indoors, also it was cloudy outside

"weird" thought jungkook

"Jeena" he called softly. The girl looked at him and immediately stood up to hug her brother.

The embrace was so warm and comforting for both of them.

They sat down and ordered coffee.

"how are you kook" she asked in a very soft tone.

"i am all good" he lied, he was not and the reason was that monster roaming around chopping off people's d.

"how are you" he asked

Jeena did not say anything she pressed her lips as if trying to control a sob

"Jeena" jungkook called with more concern.

The girl couldn't hold it anymore she slowly took off her sunglasses making her brother gasp.

Her one eye was all black and both her eyes were puffy and red due to constant crying

"I - I am leaving Sam" she said wiping her tears and looking down.

Jungkook kept looking at her without saying anything. It was too much for him

It was too much

He felt like he was going through a deja vu.

As Jeena shared her stories about her husband, Sam, how he became an alcoholic and started beating her Jungkook felt like his breathing had stopped.

It all felt like as if he had travelled back in time and it was his mother who was sitting in front of him, crying.

But no it was not her, it was his sister but both had the same fate.

Jungkook just couldn't believe his luck how can this be happening. Sam was a good guy he loved her. They were college buddies who fell in love and later got married.

"sam loved you" he said quietly

Jeena looked up with a smirk "yes kook he loveD me, but now its all gone"

"jeena come stay with me" jungkook ordered.

Jeena didn't say anything just looked outside

"Jeena please, you are the only family I have please" he begged.

"i know kookie and I will come" she looked at him "but not now, my son needs his father. Maybe after the divorce"

"he needs his father?? Jeena do you want him to have a childhood like ours?"

"kook please" her lips trembled

"fine you do not want to come now. Ok. But after a week I will come at your place and bring you amd my little boy with me. That's it thats final" he ordered

Even though jungkook was younger than her he always acted like the elder one more responsible and more authoritative.

After talking for little more they both parted but jungkook felt so guilty to let his sister go back to the s***hole.

He stood there for a while as Jeena grabbed the taxi and went off.

As she went off her words kept roaming in his head. Every thing was the same

His sister was going through exactly what his mom went through and just like Jeena his mom also tolerated all of it because she felt her children needs a father.

Father? Did they actually need that father? Why?

Other than coming home drunk and beating the s*** out of them that disgusting man had never done anything else.

Just because they shared the same blood it doesn't mean they had to be with him. Why should they? If such bonds only give you pain then why should you stick to it only for the sake of social obligations.

As jungkook thought of all these the anger rose in him for his father, for Sam. These men dont deserve to be free

they need to be punished they deserve punishment

Jungkook shook up abit, did he? Did he just repeat the words of that barbaric monster in his mind? Did he resonate with his beliefs?

No he is wrong that is the wrong way of punishment

But then again, was it wrong? Was the ways of law actually correct? If it was so then why is his evil father roaming around freely why did a rapist like Jackson wang got bail?

"NO!!!" Jungkook shouted at the middle of the road. As if talking to his arch enemy he screamed "you and I are different and your ways are WRONG!! THEY ARE WRONG!! AND YOU WILL NEVER NEVER HAVE MY SUPPORT!! I WILL DRAG YOU OUT AND SHOW THE WORLD THAT YOU ARE WRONG YOU ARE A MONSTER!!!

with that he dropped on his knees om the road.

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