Finding Solace

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Jungkook was now driving his car at 100km/h which was pretty high for him given that the law abiding citizen never really did something so reckless.

"Jungkook please slow down" said Taehyung who was sitting just beside him

30mins earlier

Jungkook picked up the phone only to hear a loud scream

"Saaaaammm noooo please saaammm"

His entire body froze... the last time he heard something like this was when his father was beating his mother.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and it was Taehyung's

"Jeena" he mumbled

Immediately he hung up the phone to run to his car

Taehyung, after knowing all the stories from the drunk jungkook last night, knew what his sister meant to him and right now Jungkook was both enraged and vulnerable. Tae didn't feel it right to leave the man alone at this stage.

As Jungkook was getting in his car while Taehyung also got near the other side

Jungkook gave him a questioning look

"please i can't leave you alone right now you need me"

For some reason Jungkook couldn't argue with the boy maybe because deep down inside he wanted the same

Present time

Jungkook somehow parked the car in the basement and ran up the 10 floors apartment. Jeena's house was on the 5th floor. He did not bother to take the elevator instead he ran up the stairs as fast as he could followed by Taehyung.

As soon as he reached the flat he kicked off the door and it swang open revealing a drunk 5 feet 11 inch man in his black vest and blue jeans holding a broken vase in his hand standing in front of Jeena who was sitting on the floor.

Jungkook didn't spare a single second instead he launched himself on Sam and started beating him black and blue.

Taehyung was totally stunned by all these. He had always led a very peaceful life with all the loving people around him so violence and quarrel was never a part of his life.

But he also knew not everyone is as lucky as him

While jungkook was aggressively beating sam Taehyung ran to jeena who was crying hysterically her face covered with brusises.

"m-mm-my son" she stuttered

"where is he tell me" asked taehyung

Jeena pointed at a door

Taehyung followed her finger and ran towards the door. The door was just beside a bedroom and seemed like it was a washroom.

Jeena stood up and went towards taehyung, limping

"leave me you bustard" screaming sam launched a punch at jungkook which he blocked immediately and instead kicked him on the crotch.

Taehyung banged the door but no sound was coming from inside

"my boy" Jeena was crying uncontrollably

"how long has he been inside?"

"for more than an hour" she hiccuped "sam locked him there at first he was crying a lot but suddenly it stopped, please he is just 6"

Taehyung looked over her shoulder at Jungkook who was trying to control the beast

Cant wait for him

Taehyung kicked the door and it opened.

Little soobin was lying unconscious on the floor

Jeena immediately went near her son

She wailed as she held him in her arms.....

A lifeless body in the arms of a dear one... The plea for help... The sorrow... The unstoppable wailing....

Something triggered in taehyung he doesn't know what but whatever it was it just made him freeze at his place

He wanted to move but incoherent sounds started to ring in his ear

He closed his eyes to block those sounds but nothing was working

"Sooobin" Jeena's loud screaming voice brought him out of the haze and he abruptly opened his eyes and gasped.

Jeena was now trying to wake him up

Taehyung shook his head and ran towards them

"hey buddy hey hey" taehyung tried to wake the boy up but nothing happened. He took him in his arms and ran out of the wash room

"Jungkook" he yelled. Jungkook stopped beating Sam and turned around to see his unconscious nephew in tae's arms amd his crying sister.

Taking the advantage of Jungkook 's diversion, Sam tried to run away but just then the police came in whom jungkook called while coming there.

Jungkook immediately went to tae and took the little boy from him and all 3 rushed out of the house.

They were now in the hospital waiting room

After they reached there, the doctor took some time to treat Sooobin and later informed them that as he was locked in the washroom he passed out due to shock.

Now Jeena was with him in his cabin while Jungkook and taehyung was waiting in the waiting room

Jungkook had his face in his hand

"have this" Taehyung said offering the coffee to jungkook. He looked up and saw Tae holding the coffee. He took it from him

Taehyung sat beside jungkook with his own coffee

"Thank you" Jungkook said quietly and looked at Taehyung who was also looking at him

"Thank you for what you did today" he said politely

"you would have done the same" Taehyung said with a smile

"how do you know I would have done the same?" asked Jungkook

"because you are a nice guy grumpy" he said taking a sip of his coffee

Jungkook just smiled and looked down at his coffee

"She really means alot to me" he said still looking at the coffee "I i dont say this much but Jeena means a lot to me, she is my sister... my only family"

Taehyung smiled. This time jungkook was opening up to him on his own will... not under the influence of alcohol.

"I can understand. Namjoon hyung also means alot to me. No matter how many days we don't talk or how much we fight. Family is family and we can do anything for them" he said in a very soothing voice, bringing Jungkook at ease.

Jungkook really respected the way Taehyung admired his him it showed Taehyung understands the importance of family.

"that reminds me your family must be worried for you, why don't you go home" said jungkook looking at him

"dont worry I texted hyung they wont worry. Let me help you take Jeena and soobin home"

Somewhere jungkook felt touched by taehyung. Everything that boy said or did was so genuine it was not like he was doing all these for some gain, it was as if his nature is to help others. And now Jungkook felt so connected to him, as if he is the only one who brings peace to his otherwise restless heart. He kept looking at taehyung for a while.

"Taehyung" he called quietly and he looked at jungkook

"I will be your Batman" he smiled

Taehyung gave him a big smile.

Maybe this is what both of them wanted, to be with each other. In that empty waiting room the two spent a little more time talking to each other and getting to know each other. This was the first time neither was annoyed by the presence of the other instead both felt content by the presence of the other.

Inst it weird? How you sometimes find solace in someone you least expected.

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