"I am his bestfriend"

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Jimin watched as Namjoon and Jungkook put his bestfriend on the bed.

All this while there were so many things going on in his head but he just didnt know what to say or how to react.

He has known Taehyung for years and he had known him as someone who was kind and funny and caring but today what he saw was completely opposite. It was someone who was aggressive and violent ....who didnt care about anyone or anything. Who was this? This was not his friend..this was not the Tae he knew

"Jimin" he got a bit startled at the call of his name and looked up to see Namjoon standing infront of him while Jungkook sat beside an unconscious Taehyung

"Hyung?" The sense of confusion was visible in his voice

"I will tell you everything come with me" with that the two of them left the room

Jungkook's eyes didnt budge from Taehyung. He watched as the boy was sleeping peacefully; but that peaceful moment could not replace the scene he witnessed few minuted ago.

And no Jungkook was not bothered about V he didnt give a F!

But his heart ached hearing those painful sobs of Taehyung. How he weeped for his noona. It was evident that somewhere in Taehyung's subconscious mind the trauma was still alive and Jungkook was scared that what will happen when he will again encounter that trauma.

Jungkook took his hand and pressed his lips on his long thin fingers.

All my life I have managed to suppress my emotions. Built an invisible wall around my heart so that it remains protected from any grief or betrayal but today that wall is broken
And you broke it Taehyung.
Today my heart is aching not because of you but for you.

He slowly looked up and very carefully removed the sweaty hair from Tae's forehead.

"Its all going to be alright, I promise" he whispered his lips still pressed on his fingers.

Jimin was numb. It was all too much for him to take in.

I am not his brother

His brother, Seokjin was killed

He has dissosciative identity disorder

He killed people

Those words of Namjoon kept ringing in his ears but the last one stuck with him.

"So the murderer we all have been searching for all these days is ...is T-Tae" Jimin uttered his friends name very carefully as if making sure not even the wind gets to know the secret.

Namjoon just nods

"Hyung what are we going to do? How will we save him??"

Namjoon looks at him "I dont know Jimin I have no idea what will happen for now I just know we need to" he gulps "we need to make him remember everything!"

Jimin gasps. He sits down on a chair nearby and looks outside, his mind is refusing to comprehend

"H-hyung he h-he will not be able to bear it" there was a crack in his voice that he was trying really hard to control

Namjoon exhales deeply. Even though Jimin was repeating everything he already knew still it brought in a new apprehension in him "I know Jimin but unfortunately that is the only way out to cure him"

Jimin remains silent for a while contemplating whether he should say it or not. Nevertheless he had to ask the tough question "hyung?"


"W-will we hand him over? He did committ those crimes" jimin says very softly and extremely carefully as if he is trying not to step on broken glasses.

Namjoon sobs..."he-he is my brother. Not by blood but by soul. I cannot lose him at any cost"

Jimin quickly goes and wraps his arm around his shoulder.

"Jimin please dont don-t reveal him pl-please I beg you" there was immense desperation in Namjoon's voice. His whole body was trembling and he just couldnt bear to stand straight any longer.

Jimin holds him tightly

"Hyung how can you say that??"

Namjoon looks at him eyes filled with tears

"I will go to any extreme for Kim Taehyung. I AM HIS BESTFRIEND. I am not going to abondon him so easily!! Never! He protected me from bullies, he made me work hard so that I can succeed ....he is everything I have. I will be by his side hyung Forever!!"

As soon as Jimin ends talking Namjoon brings him into a tight hug.

"I cant lose him Jim I cant"

"Dont worry hyung we wont"

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