7. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver

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We looked the way from where it goes then Susan turned to us. "That bird just 'psst' us." She is confused like others.

One by one we walked out and looked at the bird that 'psst' at us and then flew away. I'm sure animals can talk here in Narnia, just like me. Suddenly we heard sound between trees and Peter got protectively in front of his sisters and me. I smelled it but as I did it, a beaver came from behind the rock.

"It's a beaver." Said Lucy and Peter pulled out his hand towards the beaver, kneeling to it and making wierd sound by clicking his tongue. What does he think he's doing?

"I ain't gonna smell it, if that's what you want." Spoke the beaver, startling everyone but me and Lucy giggled. I expected it somehow.

"Uhm, sorry." Peter tried to hide his red face from embarrassment. Next time he'll know what to do with animals in Narnia.

"Lucy Pevensie?" Lucy stopped giggling when beaver called out her name and she took a step forward, grabbing the hankie from beaver that she gave Tumnus before.

"Hey, that's the hankie I gave to Mr.-" Lucy was cut off by Mr. Beaver.

"-Tumnus. He gave it to me before they took him." He finished her sentence.

"Is he alright?" I asked, stepping forward. When Mr. Beaver saw me, his eyes widen in shock as he covered his mouth. What did I do?

"Oh my, so it's truth." He said, more like to himself and uncovered his mouth.

"What is truth?" I asked, tilting my head to side. He looked around like if someone's watching then mentioned for us.

"Follow me." He whispered and turned to walk away. We were about to follow him but Susan grabbed Peter's sleeve, stopping him from going any further.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"She's right. How do we know we can trust him?" Edmund agreed with Susan.

"He said he knows the faun." Peter shrugged his shoulders, not seeing big deal in it.

"It's a beaver. He shouldn't be saying anything." Susan just don't wanna believe it all.

"Is something wrong?" Mr. Beaver asked as he peeked from behind the rock he walked from behind before.

"We're just talking." Said Peter, turning to Mr. Beaver.

"With talking wait to safety." He whispered and again disappeared behind the rock.

"He means the trees." Whispered Lucy and we followed Mr. Beaver.


"Ah, blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on. Nice cup o' Rosy Lee." We walked some time and it turned dark. So now we're standing on the hill, watching the small built house of beavers.

"It's lovely." I had to just agree with Lucy.

"It's marely a trifle. Still plenty to do. Ain't quite finished it yet. It'll look the business when it is, though." Said Mr. Beaver.

"Beaver, is that you?" From inside we could hear female voice, which I suppose belong to Mrs. Beaver.

"I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again, I..." Mrs. Beaver couldn't finish her sentence when she saw us behind her husband, err mate and watched us with the same shocked expression.

"Oh. Well, those aren't badgers. Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day." Said Mrs. Beaver, taking steps toward us.

"Look at my fur. You couldn't give me ten minutes warning?" Mrs. Beaver scolded her mate, fixing her fur.

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