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•Wedding continued•


Dinner was on event he was not looking forward to. The divided seating arrangement prevented him from being near his wife. It was absolute torture. Pure pain, hearing men twice his age surround him and go on about politics and business—when all he wanted was to enjoy the food and ambiance. Usually the presence of his elder brother helped him sit through the pain, but even he was enjoying his time with his wife on stage. Uninterested, he nodded his head at the tenth man who told him ideas for development in the Northern most province.

He dipped his heavy spoon into the thick gravy. Chinese food—desi chinese food on weddings was God sent. The fragrant fried rice with spring onions, bright carrots and bell peppers. Not to mention the gravy with it's light sweetness and hint of sour. Perfection. Arham mixed a perfect bite and fed himself, holding back the groan of frustration as another businessman walked over to him.

"Arham my boy!" He slapped his back.

Arham nodded wordlessly, he had never even seen the guy in his life, and was shocked at the audacity to act friendly.

"I'm Barekhna's uncle, Naeem". He introduced.

"Please have a seat," he spoke, motioning towards the seat next to him.

"Of course. So how's business?" The stout man grinned.

"You should ask the groom that. Aliyaar handles our mills and business. I'm just into politics—" he waved his hand.

"Well that's good".

Taking a deep sigh, Arham dug back into his food. Crossing his fingers, hoping the man would leave him alone to eat in peace. Unfortunately his prayers went unheard.

"Your sister, what's her name?"

"Lilah". He replied curtly.

"I think she'd look nice with my son, Ghafoor".

At that Arham tightened his grip on his spoon. Seconds away from beating the man into a pulp for that suggestion. Gahfoor was handsome, the bookish kind. But his personality was nowhere near that of the man he deemed worthy of his sister.

"She's too young right now," his words, final.

"Your wife was what? Twenty when you married her, almost a year ago. And your sister is twenty four. I think it's an appropriate age," Naeem tried his luck.


With that, Arham stood up from the table, his plate in hand as he crossed the separating walkway. Ignoring the multiple gasps from women and men—stunned to see him walk over to the ladies side. Spotting his parents consoling his sister, Arham marched in their direction. Placing his plate next to his wife's, who seemed too shocked to say a word. Filza and Lilah shared a deep friendship despite the age gap of four years. Arham had observed Filza getting fidgety anytime Lilah got anxious.

"Lilah?" Arham sunk to his knees.

His hands resting on the fine work of her dress. His fingers wrapped around her thin ones, wiping the tears that gently dripped from her cheeks.

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