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• Lilah's Fit •

• Lilah's Fit •

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It took a week after her actual twenty fourth birthday for her family to throw her an actual party. Not that she minded not getting one, staying in and chilling on their couch was in fact one of her favorite ways to spend time. Dressing up to it delicately placed slivers of fancy foods — not so much. Nevertheless, her family's excitement was contagious and a few hours after she found out about the celebration she was buzzing off the walls in excitement. In a matter of literal hours, Lilah had toppled her entire closet over looking for a suitable outfit. Thankfully her mother had taken the responsibility of sending out invitations to everyone on the meticulously planned guest list.

In a normal person's life such a party would have been a well kept surprise. They would have been taken out by someone close to them, only for them to end up in an abandoned place where all of their loved ones awaited. Unfortunately, Lilah could not experience such a surprise. The turmoil it caused inside of her being was beyond reach. Surprises, or anything that sprung at her out of the blue led to full blown meltdowns. It was not that she did not like the idea of them, it was instead, more so to do with the fact that they caused her senses to go into overdrive. Her emotions would cloud her senses, the overwhelming response to which she could not stand.

Her mother had been kind enough to talk it through with her. Lilah smiled fondly to herself, thinking of how Lyana had brought out a big ring binder that was full of ideas. They had planned everything to the tee, from the way the branches of faux trees were to be spread out to the color of the lightbulbs that would be hung from them. They had decided on a garden party with dark wood and deep greens as the most important part of decor. The dress code Lilah emphasized, would have to be everyone in blue — her favorite color so it was of course only fitting.

The day of the party Lilah woke to a large spread of breakfast served on her bed. Her family sitting around her with expectant smiles. Rubbing her eyes she focused fully on the expansive buffet set on her bed. The curtains had been pulled back, and from beneath the leafless branches warm mellow sunshine dropped into her balcony, the doors of which had been opened wide enough for a soft breeze to fill in the room. On the large wooden boards, thick white porcelain plates were spread out. Pancakes the color of a warm light brown, honey dropping down their sides. Berries chopped into thin slivers placed to one side. There were cheese omelettes, topped with finely chopped green onion the exterior a dark brown. Profiteroles formed a large pyramid, dusted with fine powdered sugar and covered in molten chocolate like mountains in the peak of winter.

The warmth of her cocoa orbs deepened on watching the large glass of milkshake, topped with whipped cream and swirls of chocolate — a decadent delight she enjoyed on the days her father did not have to leave their home early in the morning. Sandwiches layered with thick mayonnaise, egg and shredded chicken — golden brown slices of toasted bread hugging the filling. Her mother's fingers fiddled with the thick wedding band on her fingers, her brother's stroked her shoulders in deep calculation. Her father she noticed, was busy rubbing the skin where he had caught a scar as a kid, her grandparents sitting on her bed in anticipation.

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