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• Lilah •

Canaries in yellow and whites fluttered above the oval floral overhead that covered the stage, offering it a roof without a roof. Dim sunlight reflected off of the petals and some managed to fall on them from directly in between the large gap, acting as the natural lighting for the pictures. The birds chirped and their song that was full of soulful beats fluttered the hearts of the guest as the stereo system was shut off, beats of the classical music stopping making way for nature. A few of the birds dared enough to fly lower, their wings brushing the top of their heads before retreating — as if teasing them.

Lilah's hands held on to the many envelopes, their colorful builds and range of material used excited her and every now and then she ran her fingers over the embossing. Her shoulders had sagged after a while, having sat on the same spot for more than two hours was getting boring and she wished to be able to stroll amongst her family, laugh and joke around with as she saw them doing. Occasionally her hands would brush against the hands of Taimoor, and a blush would coat her cheeks. So thick and prominent that she saw her mother stare at her in awe more than once.

A late lunch had been served and the aroma of the many gravies, fragrant rice and bread reached her nostrils. Her stomach grumbling and the walls of it caving in, a measly muffin was all that her queasy belly had accepted this morning and now hunger hit her in full force. A small whimper escaped her mouth, her hands instantly clasping around her face hoping that no one had heard her. She knew her brother's had taken weeks preparing the perfect menu, sourcing the best chefs in the country for each dish, how could she not try them?

Before Lilah could call her mother, her brother's walked on to the stage, greeting her and Taimoor with soft smiles. They gestured for the waiters to set a glass table in front of them, trenches of food following after. Aliyaar passed out the porcelain plates to them, dragging a chair and taking seat beside her whilst Arham did the same. Lilah smiled shyly, her plate as empty as her stomach. The options were many, making it a difficult choice.

Rice, fragrant and glistening under the setting sun, was placed in an off white serving dish. Egg fried rice with a sprinkling of green onions, carrots and lettuce sat in another. There were three kinds of gravies other than the dry ones that went along with the egg fried rice. Mutton qourma with julienned ginger and fresh coriander. Nihari and a thick slow cooked daal screamed scrumptious from inside the deep metal dishes. Waiters arrived with the naan and kebabs, placing them on the already over crowded table. Her brother's looking at them with expectant eyes.

"Well go on then, eat!" Arham broke the air of silence, his voice a bit hostile as he looked at Taimoor.

"Yeah, come on Taimoor and Lilah serve yourselves". Aliyaar nodded.

Lilah, nodded her head, stranded in an awkward position as she looked at the three men engaged in a staring contest. The nervousness coupled with the anxiousness was already beginning to take a toll on her head, and a gentle thumping was beginning to make it's way on to her temples. Her fingers massaged the side of her head, while her brown eyes filled with complaints searched for her father. She could spot his tall figure amongst the crowd, making rounds ensuring that everyone was satisfied with the feast.

"Lilah do you want something else?"

"Abu?" She whispered into her eldest brother's ear.

A few seconds later, her father stood in front of her. His hands rested on her shoulders in worry. The hazel of his eyes was subdued and they looked more mocha than they ever had. Lilah shifted in her seat, placing the envelopes and her tiny cloth made bag on the side, she stood up. Covering the five step distance in ten short ones, she wrapped her hand around the crook of his elbow.

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