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• Taimoor •

The index finger of his dominant hand curled itself around the silver knife, the thumb acting as anchor, wedging the knife between the soft butter. Scooping some until the tip sunk under its weight he smeared it across the toasted slice of sourdough bread. Next came the perfectly sliced avocados and a mix of onions and cherry tomatoes. Drizzling some balsamic vinegar and goats cheese, he bit into his slice. His eyes focusing on the woman infront of him, her jaw chewing the large bite she had taken slow and steady. Fingers gripping a piece of tissue tightly, no signs of the hot sauce smeared against her cheek remained.

The conversation had dwindled after Taimoor had asked the waiter if he could tip her into serving them sooner. Lilah's defenses were up in an instant he felt, and his heart tightened. He thought he had destroyed his chances with her on the first date out, the eyes that had been brimming with joy he had observed turned desolate — a sign that she did not enjoy the careless display of wealth he was so used to. His consciousness reasoned that why would she? Her own family was affluent enough to give her a cushioned lifestyle. Lilah didn't need his or anyone's money for that matter.

The waitress had happily complied with his demands and they were served food on oven warmed plates within fifteen minutes. Heavy, choking quietness buzzed around them like an annoying bee. Try as he might to come up with words, he felt himself fail miserably. His leg bounced up and down every few minutes, the tip of his charcoal joggers smacked the ground every now and then. Her attention had been diverted towards the ducks that lingered next to the low heigh wall that divided the café from the park, was he going to loose to them?

"Lilah you've gotten awfully quiet," he remarked.

His voice like a silvery morning light, cut through the royal blue midnight sky. Her shoulders straightened, he noticed, as if almost turning alert. Her eyes focused and gazed into his, her mouth morphing into a pretty little smile.

"I just have nothing to say," she shrugged.

"Oh come on! Everyone always has something to say!"

"Not me Taimoor, I prefer comfortable silence over small talk".


Tilting his head to the side, he stared at her in silence. The words he had uttered with a hint of sarcasm hung in the air, Lilah's silence returning the favor. Shifting his body, he leaned slightly over the table. Hands tightening around the neck of the glass hot sauce bottle, his pinky finger accidentally grazing the skin of Lilah's tan hands. Her reaction was instant as she retreated her hands, with narrowed eyes she stared at him. Apologizing softly, he moved back, pouring some of the condiment on his plate. Taimoor tried his best to play off his action, not letting the racing heartbeat show on his face as he gulped some more lemon water.

"Why—why don't you talk?"

"Ask me something, I'll give you a solid reply".

"Urm—I don't know don't—don't kn-know—know what to ask. I've never had to in-init—" Lilah breathed out, her voice raspy.

"Initiate. Oh God! Lilah it's a basic word!" He teased.

"Right. I haven't ever initiated conversation so I don't know what to ask," she replied.

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