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"The worst! The-the audacity! Oh no— it was so stupid of me to go!"

"Amore I think you got it wrong".

"He left me alone in the middle of the night to wait for my driver!"


"I know!"

"Look's like we need to kill a man then," Nicole sighed.

"No that's too rude," she sighed.

"Amore! That figlio di puttana had the audacity to abandon you! Killing him is giving him easy way out, what do you think your brothers and father will do?"

"I don't know, this is so infuriating," Lilah pouted.

"And you deadass told the guy you had a good time when he asked?" Nicole cocked her head.

"I hate confrontations," Lilah whispered softly.

"You are too sweet for this cruel, poisonous world my love. You hate confrontations? Okay then. Pick up that expensive ass cell phone, record a voice note in that ever attractive voice of yours and call him out! You are not going to another date with him until he gets his shit together. Am I clear?"


"Don't go all cute on my Lilah Alamgeer Ahad! When I walk out of this office, you better do the task I've assigned you," Nicole added.

"I will, I will. Now leave before your lunch break is over," Lilah smiled.

Nodding, Nicole strutted out of the office. Her army green trench coat, flailing behind her back while the black pencil heels collided with the marble floors with great strength and confidence. Lilah relaxed into her seat once the woman was gone. She nuzzled deeper into the fur throw at the back of her chair, it smelt of lemons — the scent of her grandmother's kitchen. Playing with the edges of her loose sleeves Lilah battled her mind and heart.

The battle was raging in it's full force, who would be the winner? A question she had no answer to. The heart was maimed a deep maroon, it was the shade of love and affection. The depth of it's valves could house the mistakes of it's loved ones beyond any sense. The secrets buried inside the smooth muscles would rarely resurface, perfectly blended in for the most part. The mind was a mirage of pinks, it was the shade of youth yet who could ignore the underlinings of white? The purity and innocence that they reflected? Curls of which housed wisdom, the very essence of mankind. Though cushioned against the bony skull, it's expanse could in its full force cover the horizon from dawn till dusk, and all with good cause.

It was often that the two was at war. It was often that decisions were troubling to make at their pagan hands. Today was an anomaly. The two were in complete union. A bond, a marriage that would last no longer than this evening. Their opinions, wants and needs were as clear as the morning sun. She would have to confront the man or tell her parents everything. The latter of the options would of course, wreck the sturdy friendship of decades. Stabbing the lettuce in her Caesar salad, Lilah freed herself from the minutest of tensions. The decision was made. The gun had been removed from the glove, loaded and the safety removed. It was time to fire.

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