Danny back in lala land

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Suddenly Danny was actually able to focus on his surroundings. He looked up and saw Drew staring directly at him. "Mr. Gonzalez, you're under arrest," Drew said. " I didn't even do anything" Danny moaned. "You murdered a chocolate bar. Scumbags like you should be locked aware for years." detective Drew yelled. "My love, I thought you were DEAD. GET OUT, I don't want to see your face every again!" Danny cried. A lot of thoughts were running through his head. Did Drew ever really love him? That question repeated in his head over and ovary. "Do you really mean that? I'm sorry baby baby." Drew started crying too. "You're so mean to me" Danny squealed as he ran away. "Wait! Danny! Come back!". Danny wasn't listening, so Drew started chasing him. "Don't make me use my love on you, Danny" Drew screamed. "Babe you would be willing to use your love on me?" Danny was happy. Drew suddenly shook his hips and Danny started stripping uncontrollably. "No babe, stop, please" Danny yelped. Drew was sad "oh I see". Drew ran away. "Oh no I didn't mean it like that. I have to find Drew now!". Danny walked around more to look for Drew. He suddenly found himself at Drews house. He remembered that awful night. "Oh no! I can't find a key to his house.". Without anything on his mind accept for his burning love of Drew, Danny brakes the glass to his window. His hand cut up. Danny screamed quietly so no one could hear him. He got in and heard noses. "It sounds like its coming from the bedroom..." Danny was suddenly sad again. He was so sad that he wanted to confront Drew, so he sadly walked up the stairs to Drews room. There was a sudden moan, then Danny didn't know if he wanted to open the door.

To be continued...

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