Break Out

121 3 6

Warning: Violence, nudity, surprize

Once the guard let Danny out of jail, the sirens started going off. "Danny, RUN!!" "Drew, follow me. I know where we can hide.". Drew quietly screamed "Where?". Danny said impatiently " Come on babe, just follow me.".

Drew and Danny arrived at an abandoned warehouse. They came in quietly and saw someone who had hand cuffed people. This mystery man shouted "WHAT'S THAT NOISE!? Rocko, Banjo; go and check what that noise was! Im not going to let any big nosed rats get in my business. We getting paid one way or another!"
Drew decided to strip down naked to make the guards fall in love with him. IT WORKED!!  The guards started strip dancing in front of Danny and Drew. Danny got jealous and said "Why don't you ever strip dance for me" he sighed. Drew realized why he hadn't stripped down in front of Danny. Drew decided to keep that for now. "Come on Danny, baby. Ill tell you later, love." Drew kissed Dannys neck. "Whats that red stuff on your neck?" Drew said seeming kinda worried. "I-I.." Danny passed out. "Danny? Danny?? DANNY?!?!" Drew was shaking Danny and then Drew finally realized that the red stuff was blood. Drew was thinking. Had Danny gotten shot? Should he call 911, or would the police be like "Omg an escaped prisoner!". Drew decided to drag Danny to the hospital.

To be continued...

Strip tease murder mysteryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang