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Drew had finally reached the hospital and checked Danny in. They took Danny into a room and Drew had to stay back to answer some questions. The check out lady looked scary and had a sunburn and red hair with yellow roots and what Drew thought was decoration horns. The check out lady eyeballed Drew. "What happened to this poor, poor man! Did you try and murder him?! Once he wakes up, ill ask him, and see what he has to say." She snickered. Drew tried to answer " I didn't -" "Save your breath honey! I suspect you tried to murder him. We'll just have to ask him, and NOTHING you say can change that." She screamed at him. Drew sighed and took a seat. Meanwhile in the hospital room, Danny finally woke up unable to talk. After an hour of sitting in the hospital room, Danny had realized what had happened. Danny had not been shot, something bit him, it was the chocolate bar! The chocolate bar had been getting revenge for Danny taking a bite of it. The nurse came in and said "He's awake." Into a little radio. The nurse smiled and spoke softly "Hey, your awake! We were worried about you! Whats that thing in your mouth?". Danny had not realized that something was in his mouth, and had tried to take it out. The item wouldn't come out of his mouth! Drew rushed into the room and hugged Danny. Danny was so weak for some reason that the hug felt like someone was crushing him. Danny passed out. Drew started crying because he thought this whole thing was his fault. Drew saw the thing in Dannys mouth and asked the doctor about it. "Hey, umm.. whats that thing in his mouth?" Drew stammered. "Sir, we don't actually know. We tried to remove it. So far, all we could do was identify that the substance was made of sugar." The doctor said.
Danny finally woke up again. He could not talk because of the thing in his mouth. He saw drew asleep in a chair next to him. Danny put his hand on Drew and started holding his hand. Drew woke up and saw Danny holding his hand. Drew closed the doors and got undressed and started strip dancing. "You said you wanted this babe, so I'm gonna give it to you.".
Danny could feel himself start to get up, and undress. He was thinking "Whats going on?! My neck hurts so badly!!". Did Drew have a super power?

To be continued...

Strip tease murder mysteryWhere stories live. Discover now