Danny is not dead!!

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Danny woke up with smeared chocolate on his face. He said " where am i". Drew came out of the corner "Hi Danny!". "Whats going on, Drew?". "You were going to a candy shop, you met this strange girl and the broke your arm. The KFC guy found you then...". Danny interrupted Drew "Were you spying on me" Danny said with a wink. Drew said "Danny. I want to be with you but remember last time. Sally is with her grandma right now because i came here for you.". "Oh god you had the baby already. Im sorry I missed it baby.". "Danny... Please be my forever baby again?". "I sure will daddy"

               Warning: Sex scene

Danny and Drew made out on Drews bed. Danny whispered Drews name and Drew whispered Dannys.

The next day Danny woke up and realized his tights were lost. He was wearing Drews pajamas. He was starting to smell the smell of bacoon and eggs. Danny went to the kitchen where Drew had made him breakfast . "Hi sleepy head" Drew said with a smile. Danny took off the top of the plate to find bacon, eggs, and the chocolate bar. "Uh Drew. Why is there a chocolate bar?". "I found it in your pocket, I thought you might want it.". "Oh thanks babe." Danny said while trying to read Drews thoughts. Drew noticed so he ran out of the house into the street where a car hit him. Danny gasped and cried. "Babe NOO!"

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