How It Started

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Jimin lay panting on the floor as the music faded out, the buzzing in his ears from the adrenaline he always got from dancing making way for the sound of Hoseok applauding him. "No matter how many times I see you dance, I am always in complete awe." Jimin giggled, his cheeks flushing as he pulled himself back up to his feet. When Yoongi and Jimin had returned from their honeymoon six months earlier, Jimin found himself growing bored after only one day of Yoongi going back to work due to the fact that all of his time prior had been spent solely on their ceremony. Now that it was over, Jimin knew he had to find some hobbies to partake in, as they had been warned it could take close to a year to receive his green card.

At first, he found himself accompanying some his friends as they went about their days, Jungkook taking it upon himself to show him around town past what he'd already seen. But then Hoseok had invited him to the dance studio he owned one day and Jimin had found his knew daily hangout spot. Whether it just be observing the classes the studio provided or taking advantage of the downtimes to practice his own dancing, Jimin felt at home at Hope World Studios.

"I'm really not that good." Jimin insisted as he grabbed his water bottle.

"Then you must be blind." Hoseok retorted. "You're one of the best dancers I've seen. You have to have gotten professional training somewhere."

Jimin felt his cheeks burn more at the praise. "I was studying dance, but then I dropped out of university because I realized that school just wasn't for me." He admitted.

"Is dance still what you want to do?" Hoseok asked out of curiosity, earning a very quick nod from Jimin. If given the opportunity, Jimin knew that he would go back to dance no question. Even if it was professionally with a company that would take him out of the country again. That was one of the many things he loved about Yoongi, the alpha promised him back when they were still dating that if Jimin ever got to achieve that dream, then he would follow him anywhere if he allowed him to. "Then how would you like to be an instructor here?" Jimin choked on his water. "Not now, obviously, because legally I can't offer you a job yet. But when you get your green card?"

"Are you fucking serious? "Jimin asked between coughs.

Hoseok nodded. "I've been wanting to add contemporary classes, but haven't found anyone talented enough to lead them yet. Are you interested?"

"Am I interested?" Jimin asked with wide eyes before laughing. "Fuck yeah I am!"

The alpha smiled and pulled Jimin into a hug. "Let me know the second you get your card."

"I will." Jimin promised as his phone began ringing. He rushed to his bag in the corner of the studio and pulled it out to see it was the reminder alarm he had set to let him know it was time to leave for his gynecologist appointment. "Gotta go, Hobi. I'll see you tomorrow." Hoseok bid him goodbye as he rushed out of the studio.


Jimin swung his feet as he sat on the exam table, already dressed in one of the provided gowns as he'd been told they might have to do a full exam that day since it was the first time he'd been to that clinic. He heard a soft knock on the door and looked up from his lap to see a friendly looking female omega entering the room. "Jimin Min?"

"That's me." He confirmed with a smile as she sat in the chair in front of him.

"I'm Dr. Graham, it's nice to meet you." She shook his hand in greeting. "So, what brings you into my office today?"

"Well, my main reason is birth control." Jimin stated. "I moved here from Korea about nine months ago to be with my now mate, and there aren't as many options back home as there are here. Because of that, the birth control I'm currently on really messes with my hormones and I decided it's probably time to switch to something safer and better for my body."

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