34 Weeks & Counting

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A/N: pregnancies in this universe last 38 weeks

It wasn't like Jimin was actively avoiding telling Yoongi that he was pregnant. But in the two weeks since he'd found out, it just never seemed like the right time to tell him. It didn't help that he knew that Yoongi could tell something was off. He could feel the alpha's concern for him through their bond, but the times that Yoongi did attempt to ask him what was wrong, they coincided with either Jimin's mood swings or a moment where Jimin was feeling particularly anxious over the pregnancy, resulting in the omega snapping at him. Despite that, Yoongi still tried his best to be there for Jimin, whether it be bringing him small gifts and treats whenever he came home from work or leaving small notes about the different things he loved about Jimin for the omega to wake up to.

It would be easier if Jimin was to the point that one could smell his pregnancy, but unfortunately that wouldn't be for another two weeks, leaving him to have to try to force the words out of his mouth. He still hadn't said it out loud, not even to Seokjin and Taehyung despite them already knowing. It would also be nice if Jimin's symptoms that he had developed over the past two weeks could tell Yoongi for him, but the alpha always seemed to be gone whenever he had a bout of morning sickness or burst into tears over his McDonald's Door Dash delivery not having the right dipping sauce for his chicken nuggets.

Given all that, he definitely didn't expect the size of their apartment to be the reason he finally blurted it out to his mate.

He had been standing in the middle of their apartment, studying it when Yoongi arrived home from work. "It's too small." Jimin said before Yoongi could even greet him.

Yoongi blinked and looked around. "Yeah, it is a little cramped, but it's good for just the two of us, right?"

Jimin shook his head insistently, face scrunched in frustration. "It's all wrong."

"What do you mean it's all wrong."

"I mean it's all wrong." Jimin repeated, stomping his foot a little bit. "The kitchen is too small, we need a separate room for the laundry, and we should have another bathroom outside of the bedroom. We need an actual house, Yoongi."

"And we'll have that one day." Yoongi assured him.

Jimin growled quietly, surprising Yoongi. "But we need it now."

"We can't afford a house right now." Yoongi reminded him. "But I'm well on my way to becoming a lead teacher and moving to salary pay, and thanks to Hoseok, you already have a job lined up for when your green card comes in. We can save up for a few years, then get a house."

The omega sighed in exasperation. "How do you expect to a raise a pup in something so infinitesimal?!"

"Well, I don't." Yoongi retorted. "Pups are a long way off, so that shouldn't even be a-" He was cut off as Jimin whimpered, bursting into tears. "Woah, what just happened?"

"I'm pregnant, dumbass!" Jimin exclaimed, covering his face with his hands as he started to sob harder.

"Hey, hey, hey," Yoongi immediately pulled Jimin into his arms and began emitting soothing pheromones, his number one priority being to calm his omega down. However, the act just made Jimin cry harder, as he didn't believe he deserved an alpha as good and sweet as Yoongi. "What's going on?"

"I told you, I'm pregnant!" Jimin whined into Yoongi's shoulder. Before the alpha could question him further, he began to ramble. "I found out when I went to get my IUD put in, and she said I was already pregnant so I couldn't get it, and I think I'm like four weeks along but I don't know for sure because I haven't had an ultrasound or anything and I'm tired and bloated and nauseous all the time and have to pee like 20 times a day and my nipples hurt and I'm not ready to be an Eomma!"

Yoongi shushed him, rubbing his back comfortingly as he continued to sob. "Okay, we obviously need to talk about this, but first, let's get you calmed down."

Jimin nodded slightly and let Yoongi lead him over to the couch, sitting down when the alpha insisted. Then Yoongi disappeared into their bedroom, returning with his favorite nesting blanket and wrapping it around him. He disappeared for another few seconds, this time coming back with Jimin's duck stuffy that he'd had since he was a pup and placing it into Jimin's arms. Jimin held the duck tightly against his chest, nuzzling into it as Yoongi sat next to him on the couch, The alpha then gently took his legs and tugged him until he was sitting on his lap sideways, head near his scent gland where his pheromones were the strongest.

Eventually, Jimin did calm down to the point that he was no longer sobbing, just silent tears rolling down his cheeks. "You good now?"

"Not really." Jimin whispered, answering honestly. "But I can talk now."

Yoongi nodded, fingers gently stroking Jimin's back. "Tell me what's going through your head."

Jimin took a deep breath, nuzzling further into Yoongi's neck. "I do want a pup one day, I really do." Jimin started off. "But I always imagined having a career and living in a house and being past living paycheck to paycheck before having one." Yoongi hummed in response, pressing a soft kiss to Jimin's forehead. "And I want to be happy right now, but no matter how hard I try, I just keep thinking about how we're going to afford diapers and clothes and what if I can't breastfeed, formula's just another expense. And my job, by the time I get my green card, I could be too pregnant to dance or already have a pup at home, so when will I get to start that? And if I do go to work, who's gonna take care of the pup? And as you pointed out, we can't afford a house, so where the fuck is our pup even gonna go?" Another whine left his throat, prompting him to bury his face against Yoongi's scent gland and inhale deeply.

The alpha stayed quiet for a few seconds, and Jimin knew he was soaking in all of his concerns before formulating a response. "I'm not going to sit here and tell you that everything will be okay and work out, because I'm honestly worried about a lot of those things too right now. The only thing I'm sure of is the pupcare, because my school keeps spots open for the pups of staff members, and I can go in on Monday and immediately put my name on the waiting list for a spot in the nursery." Jimin turned his head so he could look at his alpha's face as he spoke. "And I'm not going to sit here and tell you what you should and shouldn't do or feel, because that's not my place, especially when you're the one going through this."

"It's your pup too." Jimin reminded him quietly.

"I know that. What I meant is that you're the one who's about to carry a pup and bring it into this world. You're the one who's going to go through a shit ton of physical changes." Yoongi took a deep breath. "So, what I'm going to say is that I'm here for you and I will support you in whatever decision you make. Whether it be how to prepare for our pup now or...if you want to get an abortion and try again later when we're in a better situation."

Jimin sat up slightly, looking at Yoongi in slight shock. "Are you serious?" Yoongi nodded, but otherwise stayed quiet. "How are you even real?" Jimin then asked before laying his head back on Yoongi's shoulder, now hugging his duck with one arm so that he could seek out Yoongi's hand with the other. "First things first, we need a bigger place. I would prefer a house because if we're going to start our family, I'd rather go ahead and do that so we can start building our actual home. But if we really can't make that work, then I'll settle for just a bigger apartment." He felt Yoongi relax a bit underneath him. "But it has to have two bedrooms."

"House or two bedrooms." Yoongi nodded. "Got it."

"And I have my first checkup in two weeks." Jimin informed him. "You're coming to it. I don't care if you can't take time off and have to fake being sick, but you're going to be there and hold my hand and take notes on everything the doctor says." Yoongi nodded again, quietly assuring him that he would be there. Jimin then sat up again so he could look Yoongi in the eye. "And finally, I need you to tell me that it's going to be okay. I know you said you're not going to say that, but I need to hear you say it."

Yoongi gave him a small smile, the hand that had been on Jimin's thighs up until that point moving to now rest on his stomach. "It's going to be okay." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Jimin's lips.

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