4 Weeks & Counting

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Jimin inhaled sharply as he placed another freshly folded onesie into the open drawer in front of him. "Eomma, I love you and I appreciate you trying to help, but I am this close to biting your head off." Jimin's parents had flown in the previous weekend so they could help out around the house for the last few weeks of Jimin's pregnancy, given that Mochi decided to stay full term, and for up to a week after his supposed due date so that they could meet their grandpup and continue to help the new parents with cooking and housework so that they could focus on themselves and the pup. And Jimin truly was extremely grateful for it, but not when his nesting instincts were in full force and his mother was making suggestions on how to change up Mochi's nursery.

"I'm just saying that when I had just had you, having my chair closer to the crib-"

"Eomma!" He glared at the older omega. "I am happy with my chair exactly where it is." His mother opened her mouth to argue her view further, but Jimin cut her off. "Having your chair right next to my crib might have been best for you and me, but having my chair right here..." He patted the comfy yellow chair right behind him, "is what I know will be best for me and Mochi. Please respect that."

His mother let out a small sigh, her eyes glistening with the tears that were now starting to form. "I just can't believe how grown you are, about to have a pup of your own." Jimin groaned inwardly when she walked over to hold him close to her, peppering kisses all over his face.

"Eomma, I'm trying to finish putting these clothes away!" He whined, pushing his mother away as she chuckled. Although she released him, she kept her hand on his head, gently running her fingers through his hair.

"Did I mention how happy I am that you went back to your natural color?" She asked, ruffling Jimin's now black locks that he'd been forced to return to as his hair grew throughout the pregnancy.

"Yeah, once or twice." Jimin mumbled, sighing in content as he finally finished putting all of Mochi's clothes away in their proper places. "Can you help me up?" His mother was quick to stabilize him so he could get back onto his feet.


"Happy birthday, dear Jaehyun...Happy birthday to you!" Jimin and Taehyung clapped as Seokjin set Jae's smash cake in front of him, the 12-month-old alpha pup eyeing it for a few seconds before taking a fistful of cake straight from the center.

"I can't believe Jae's already a year old." Jimin cooed before turning towards his best friend, finding a look of discomfort on Taehyung's face as his hand rested on his chest. "You okay?"

Taehyung nodded as he let out a breath. "Puppy's pushed up against my diaphragm, so it's a bit hard to breathe. But I'm okay." He glanced over at Jimin. "How about you?"

"Ready to get this pup out of me." Jimin said.

"Ah, so you would like it if your pup shared a birthday with Jae?"

Jimin's eyes widened, and he shook his head, making Taehyung chuckle. "I take it back; I am not ready for this pup to come three weeks early."

Their conversation was interrupted by Namjoon's mother approaching. "I had to come say hi to these sweet puppies." She cooed, gaze directed at both omegas' stomachs as she stretched out her hands. But before she could touch either of them, Taehyung hissed instinctively, both his hands jumping to his stomach protectively.

"Please don't touch our stomachs." Jimin said, his polite words not matching his tone as he gave the female omega a dirty look.

"Oh, don't be so stingy." Namjoon's mother replied. "I just want to see if I can feel a little kick."

"My mate already asked you not to." Yoongi suddenly appeared with the water and cupcake Jimin had requested. "So back off." Namjoon's mother scowled at them, but eventually walked away.

"Not wanting random people touching our stomachs makes us stingy." Taehyung grumbled as he lightly rubbed his stomach. "Omegas really can't win."

"We really can't." Seokjin sighed as he joined his friends, a very messy Jae propped on his hip. "The number of times I had to fend her off or make excuses to avoid her feeling my stomach when I was pregnant with Jae is absurd. I just don't know when she'll finally learn."

Jimin snorted. "Taehyung would have gone feral on her if she had touched him, so maybe that would have."

"Taehyung? Feral? What?" Jungkook asked, eyes wide with confusion as he came to a stop behind Taehyung's chair, bending down slightly to rest his chin on top of his head.

"Just another wack ass stranger trying to touch my stomach." Taehyung assured him, tilting his head back for a kiss.

"Oh, so just another Saturday?" Jungkook chuckled as he gave the omega a small kiss.

Jimin hummed in confirmation before feeling the sudden urge to pee. "Yoongi, help me up." He requested, holding his hands out for the alpha. Yoongi quickly moved to stand in front of Jimin, helping him out of his chair. "Thanks. Gotta pee." Jimin gave his mate a thank you kiss before waddling to the bathroom.


"Jimin, I think it's time for you to go to the hospital."

"No." Jimin refused, shaking his head at his mother as he continued to pace around the living room, pausing to grimace and grip onto the back of the couch in front of him as he felt another contraction hit him. When it finally passed, he straightened up and began pacing again. "I am not going to the hospital.

Jimin's mother sighed. "Honey, I know you've been having Braxton-Hicks frequently for the past couple of months, but I can assure that this is the real thing." Jimin shook his head again. "Minnie, you may think you're good at hiding the pain, but I can smell that it's far worse than you're pretending it is. You're in labor, sweetie."

"No!" The 27-year-old said more forcefully. "I don't care if my water breaks right this second, I am not going to the hospital without my mate. I am not having this pup without Yoongi." The alpha had left that morning to drive his grandmother to visit a friend in a town a few hours away.

"We can call him on the way." His mother tried to assure him. "I promise, he will get there before the pup is born."

Jimin responded with another shake of his head. "I am not leaving this house until Yoongi gets back from taking his grandmother to her friend's house."

As if summoned, they heard Yoongi's car pulling into the driveway, the alpha entering the house seconds later. "What's going on?" He immediately tensed up as he smelled the distress Jimin was under.

"He's in labor." Jimin's mother answered for him, making Yoongi's eyes widen as he rushed to the omega's side. "His contractions are getting close to five minutes apart and lasting a minute each."

"Why didn't you go to the hospital?" Yoongi softly scolded Jimin.

"Because you weren't here, asshole!" Jimin cried before feeling another contraction hit him. Yoongi held his hand through it before hurrying to their bedroom to grab their hospital bag.

As Yoongi and Jimin's mother were helping Jimin out of the house and to the car, Jimin felt a faint popping sensation inside of him. By the time they reached the car, he could feel an uncomfortable wetness in his underwear that didn't feel like slick or pee. "Can we put a towel down?" He asked as Yoongi opened the car door for him. "I think my water just broke." Within the blink of an eye, Yoongi was inside the house, returning just as quickly with a towel to place in Jimin's seat before helping the omega into the car. It wasn't until he was settled into the seat, Yoongi hurrying into the driver's seat next to him that Jimin's anxiety hit full force. "Oh my god, I'm about to have a pup." He turned to Yoongi with wide eyes as the alpha started the car. "Yoongi, we're about to be parents."

"Yes, we are." Yoongi confirmed, quickly reversing out of the driveway before taking Jimin's hand in his, pressing a comforting kiss to his knuckles as he began driving towards the hospital.

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