28 Weeks & Counting

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Jimin was roused awake by the soothing sound of Yoongi murmuring something. Thinking the alpha was trying to wake him to ask him something, he blinked open his eyes and started to ask him what was up. However, he soon stopped himself as he realized Yoongi was kneeling at the end of the bed between his legs, Jimin's shirt pulled up so Yoongi's hands could rest on either side of his stomach--that seemed to have grown overnight as there was now the slightest hint of a bump protruding over the hem of his sleep shorts--while whispering softly to it. He couldn't tell what Yoongi was saying, but he didn't dare strain to make out his words, as he was afraid the slightest movement would disturb Yoongi's moment with their unborn pup.

Jimin was doing a pretty good job at keeping quiet and still, but then Yoongi leaned down to pepper kisses across his stomach, the action making Jimin giggle at the ticklish feeling it gave him. The sound had Yoongi lifting his head almost instantly, looking like a deer caught in headlights as his eyes met Jimin's. "Please, don't stop on my account." Jimin said softly, bringing one hand up to run his fingers through Yoongi's hair.

Giving a small nod, Yoongi dipped his head back down to press another kiss to Jimin's abdomen before tilting his head to run his cheek over it. Jimin wanted to roll his eyes at the typical alpha move, scenting his stomach to lay claim on their unborn pup, but watching Yoongi do it just felt right to him. Yoongi finished his scenting after a couple of minutes and pressed one more kiss to the bump before crawling back over Jimin, holding himself up so as not to put weight on his stomach as he gave his mate a good morning kiss.


"Here we are." Jimin looked up and immediate furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"This is a house." The omega stated, and Yoongi simply hummed in response. Jimin then glanced around the yard and actually found a for sale sign, meaning it wasn't a rental like the few other houses he and Yoongi had looked at previously. "What happened to not being able to afford a house?" Jimin asked as Yoongi exited the car and ran around to open the door for him.

"You try to hide it, but I can see how squeamish you've gotten at every apartment we've looked at because of all the scents still there." Yoongi stated as he took Jimin's hand, intertwining their fingers. "And even in the rental houses that have been completely cleaned out and sprayed, I've been able to tell you're still uncomfortable with the thought of living in a place that multiple other families have live in, especially if it's not a permanent place. So, I looked around, found some new constructions that aren't too over the top expensive, and here we are."

Jimin continued to stare at him as Yoongi pulled him towards the house. "That still doesn't answer the question of how we are going to afford it."

"The agent I talked to already gave me an estimate in the case that we like it, and it's only a couple hundred dollars more a month than what we're already paying in rent." Yoongi explained, but Jimin still wasn't convinced. He knew Yoongi could tell, too, from the way he then sighed. "And I didn't want to tell you yet because I didn't want to get your hopes up, but we have a few lead positions opening up at the school, and I put my name in for them." Jimin's eyes widened. "The interviews are this week, and one of the pluses of my best friend being on the admin team is that I kind of already know that I'm a top choice for one of the pre-k rooms."

"Baby, that's amazing!" Jimin exclaimed, throwing his arms around Yoongi in a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"I haven't gotten it yet." Yoongi chuckled as he pulled back. "But there's a very high chance that I will, and in that case, I'll get promoted by the end of the week and get my pay raise." Jimin squealed in excitement again before pressing his lips to Yoongi's. The alpha pulled back with a chuckle, squeezing his hand. "What do you say we go look around now?"

Jimin nodded and giggled, letting Yoongi tug him inside the house that was empty except for the realtor obviously waiting for them in the middle of the living room. The beta greeted them enthusiastically before showing them around the house. The open living room and kitchen alone were the size of their current apartment, something that already won Jimin over, but he bit his lip to keep quiet until they saw the house in its entirety. Coming in from the front door to the right of the living room was a hallway with two bedrooms on either end and a bathroom in between. On the opposite side of the house was a full laundry room--something that Jimin couldn't help but voice his excitement over--and the master bedroom with an en suite and walk in closet that Jimin could have orgasmed over when he saw them. Plush carpet that was soft to the touch covered the floors of the house with the exception of the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry room, all of which were tiled. And there was a decently sized yard out in the back that Jimin could briefly imagine chasing after his and Yoongi's pup across.

After the tour, Yoongi turned to Jimin as the realtor looked at them with expectant eyes. "So, what do you think?"

Jimin looked around the house once more, breathing in the overly clean air and already feeling the urge to spread his scent across the entire property to mark his territory. "It's perfect." He said, smiling up at Yoongi. "It's home."

"It's home." Yoongi agreed before turning to the realtor, who was already smiling as she said she would get the paperwork drawn up.

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