7 Weeks & Counting

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"Yoongi, no."

"Jimin, yes." Jimin huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at his mate. "It's your birthday."

"Which is exactly why you should listen to my wishes."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him from where he was relaxed on their bed, arm behind his head. "Since when do you not wish to sit on my face?"

Jimin shot him a look as if it were obvious. "Since I got fat and gassy and leaky boobs."

"Hey, I like your boobs." Yoongi said, reaching out to playfully squeeze one of the balls of fat that had steadily grown on the omega's chest over the course of the pregnancy as his body prepared for the possibility of breastfeeding.

"Not helping." Jimin glared at Yoongi again, pushing his hand away.

"Alright." Yoongi was obviously trying not to laugh and was failing terribly. "If you don't want me to eat you out-"

"I didn't say I didn't want you to eat me out." Jimin interrupted. "I just don't want to sit on your face."

"Well, lying on your back is bad for the pup." Yoongi pointed out.

Jimin bit his lip. "What if I suffocate you?"

"I would be honored to die by your ass." Yoongi laughed and flinched away as Jimin reached out to hit his stomach. "I'm kidding! I won't suffocate."

"What if I fart in your face?"

"That's a possibility in any position." Yoongi reminded him. "And I will pretend not to notice and never mention it for as long as I shall live."

Jimin smiled at him. "And this is why I love you." He leaned down to press a brief kiss to Yoongi's lips before climbing off the bed so he could remove his panties, keeping his shirt on so that there would be a barrier in case his boobs decided to start leaking like they had the last time they'd had sex. He then climbed back onto the bed, shuffling up until he was straddling Yoongi's face with the alpha's help.

"God, how I've missed you." Yoongi sighed out, gently caressing Jimin's thighs before leaning up to give his hole a kitten lick, making the omega jolt slightly from the immediately pleasure shooting up his spine.

It only took a few more licks before slick was leaking out of Jimin enough to coat Yoongi's chin, smearing slightly as Jimin began rocking his hips against his tongue. One of his hands went to Yoongi's hair, tugging lightly, while the other grabbed onto their headboard to help keep himself steady. Yoongi began to lick and suck at Jimin's hole more enthusiastically, even letting go of one of his thighs in order to press a finger inside with his tongue. Jimin could barely hold his moans back as he rocked his hips even more, feeling his abdomen begin to tighten with his impending orgasm. "Yoongi, I'm close." He whined, his grip in the alpha's hair tightening. Yoongi responded with a quiet growl that would have been enough to send Jimin over the edge even without the extra finger and nibbling that Yoongi added in while forcing Jimin's hips down further on top of him.

Jimin's body trembled slightly as he came down from his orgasm, realizing as he shakily climbed off of Yoongi's face to sit beside him that he had squirted slick in thick globs that were now present around Yoongi's mouth, making his skin shine in the light of their lamps. "I will never get tired of that." Yoongi insisted as he got up to get a rag to clean the slick off of himself and Jimin's thighs and ass before the omega recovered enough to feel grossed out by it.

"You say that every time." Jimin giggled. His laughter was brought to a sudden stop, however, when he felt a strange tightening in his abdomen that was borderline painful. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, resting his hands on his stomach as he tried to figure out what it was.

"You've got your thinking face on." Yoongi commented when he returned from their en suite, face now clean of slick.

Jimin hummed as Yoongi climbed on the bed and settled between his thighs to start cleaning him. "I felt something weird."

He heard Yoongi asking him a question but didn't register his words as he felt that strange tightening again. That time it drew a gasp out of him as it was about as painful as the cramps he got at the beginning of his preheat. "Yoongi, I think I'm having contractions."

The alpha's eyes widened as he froze. "What?" He asked.

"I think I'm having contractions." Jimin repeated, feeling panic starting to settle over his body."

"You still have seven weeks to go."

"You think I don't know that?" Jimin shot back, already scooting his way to the edge of the bed so he could get up. "I need to go the hospital."

"Maybe we should wait and see if they stop. It might-"

Jimin cut him off with a sharp glare. "We're going to the hospital." He grabbed a fresh pair of panties and a pair of sweatpants to pull on. "That way if they are contractions, I'll already be there, maybe early enough that they can stop it. And if it's a false alarm, then at least we'll know for sure." Yoongi nodded in agreement, following Jimin's instructions to pack a hospital bag just in case their pup was actually about to come out.


"Good news!" Dr. Graham exclaimed as she entered the room. "They're just Braxton-Hicks." Jimin and Yoongi both sighed in relief, all of the tension leaving them instantly. "Extremely common this late in a pregnancy, and usually triggered by dehydration, your pup moving around, or even an orgasm."

Jimin felt his cheeks start to burn slightly as he turned to shoot Yoongi a look. "So, this is your fault."

Yoongi just gave him an innocent smile. "An instance where I am proud to take all the blame."

The omega doctor chuckled at them as she signed something on her clipboard. "You're free to go home. Just keep eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and getting lots of rest." The couple thanked her and Yoongi stood up to help Jimin off the hospital bed.

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