20 Weeks & Counting

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Jimin squealed as they pulled into their new driveway, waiting impatiently for Yoongi to put the car into park so he could jump out of the car as fast as he could--which, admittedly, wasn't all that fast thanks to how big his stomach now was. By the time he managed to get out of the car, Yoongi was already in front of him, hands out to help him in case he had a dizzy spell, as those had become fairly common over the past couple of days. "We actually have a house!" He exclaimed, that knowledge hitting him fully for the first time since signing the papers.

"We do." Yoongi chuckled as he closed the door behind him just as two more cars pulled in behind them, both carrying their friends and the boxes of items that couldn't fit in their own car, hadn't already been brought over during the previous week, or was a piece of furniture in the moving truck that would be coming any minute.

Seokjin was the first to climb out of the car, already rushing to get a fussy Jae out of his carseat. "Do you mind if I nurse him really quick? He just woke up and he is grumpy."

"Of course!" Jimin nodded. "You're welcome to anywhere anytime." Seokjin thanked him before hurrying inside the house to tend to his pup. He then waddled around to the trunk of his and Yoongi's car to help his alpha unload, only to have Yoongi lightly shove his hands away. "Wha-"

"No heavy lifting for you." Yoongi wagged his finger in Jimin's direction.

"How am I supposed to help get our house together then?" Jimin crossed his arms, pouting.

"By directing and unpacking light things once everything's inside." Yoongi said, pressing a kiss to Jimin's nose to appease him.

It didn't work.

Jimin huffed and turned to waddle into the house. "I'm gonna go find Seokjin." He found the omega in the bedroom to the right of the bathroom. "Should have known you'd be drawn here."

Seokjin looked up from where he'd been cooing at Jae as he nursed to glance around the room. "This gonna be the nursery?" Jimin nodded as he carefully lowered himself to sit on the ground with him. "I can tell you've been scenting the room already.

"I want it to be perfect for my little Mochi." Jimin said, his hands resting on either side of his stomach. "That includes it being warm, comforting, and inviting for the moment she arrives." The two talked about Jimin's plans for the nursery for a while until Taehyung joined them, flopping on his back on the floor next to them with a loud groan. "You okay?"

"I carried about three boxes before feeling like straight up death." Taehyung groaned again, rolling onto his stomach. "I'm tired and nauseous."

"Then why did you come?" Jimin scolded his best friend.

Taehyung waved his hand dismissively at him. "I promised to be here, you promised pizza, and it's just my preheat kicking in. I'll be fine."

The trio of omegas sat continued to converse, Taehyung drifting in and out of sleep, until all of Yoongi and Jimin's belongings had been brought in. They then rejoined the alphas, who were at that point making sure the furniture got placed in the areas Jimin had already mapped out. Jimin went to pick up a few of the boxes labeled for their bedroom, only to once again be intercepted by Yoongi. "I'll get them." The alpha picked up the stack of boxes and carried them to their bedroom, Jimin waddling behind him with his face scrunched up in irritation.

"I'm not helpless." He grumbled while mentally preparing himself for that exact moment to be repeated all throughout the day.


"Are you going to have a pup shower?" That was the question that led to Jimin visiting Taehyung at his office during his best friend's work hours. It had been asked by one of Yoongi's co teachers during a team dinner where their mates had been invited along. Of course, Jimin had been confused, as pup showers weren't really a thing in Korea. But then when the concept had been explained to him--a party where people showered him with attention and gifts and, most importantly, there was cake--he was like, 'sign me the fuck up'.

So, he went to Taehyung's office at the event planning company he worked at to ask his best friend to help him plan it. "I know you don't technically have experience with pup showers, but you are my best friend, and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have do it."

"Yeah, sure." Taehyung nodded, looking at Jimin, but also...not. In fact, Jimin felt like Taehyung had been distracted for the entire time he'd been there.

"Everything okay?" Jimin asked him. "You seem like you have something on your mind."

Taehyung's eyes shot to Jimin's, and the shorter omega finally noticed just how nervous and anxious he was, from his scent to the way he was fidgeting constantly. "My heat hasn't hit yet."

Jimin's eyes widened. "When was it supposed to?"

"...four days ago."

"Shit, Taehyung!" The taller omega whimpered and buried his face in his hands. "Have you taken a test yet?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I just kept putting it off, convincing myself that I was just late despite the fact that I have never once been late since my first heat. But now I'm not so sure."

Jimin pushed himself out of his chair, struggling a bit with his stomach in the way. "You need to take one as soon as possible, just to rule it out." Taehyung nodded and let Jimin pull him up and out of the office.

Half an hour later, the two omegas were sitting on the edge of Jimin's bathtub, as his house had been closer to the store than Taehyung's apartment, a tense silence between them. "Are you-"

"Okay?" Taehyung finished for Jimin, his eyes not moving from the little pink plus sign in his lap. "About the pup, yeah. I mean, I've always wanted a pup, and if fate's decided that now is the time for me to have one, then who am I to argue with that." He let out a quiet laugh before falling serious again. "But what if Jungkook isn't ready and leaves me?"

"You know he wouldn't do that." Jimin responded immediately. "Like you said, Jungkook's the furthest thing from a knothead. And I thought you two talked about what you would do if you got pregnant."

"Yeah, but alphas lie sometimes, Jimin." Taehyung said, looking over at his best friend. "Jaesun saying that he understood I wasn't ready to have sex yet, only to cheat on me a week later with an omega who was ready. Dongmin saying he felt the same way when I said that I wanted to court for at least a year before even talking about mating, only to give up 11 months into the relationship. And then fucking Minho-"

"All of them were dicks." Jimin reminded him. "And they all showed red flags far before they did those things. Name one thing Jungkook has done over the past 11 months that made you uncomfortable or doubt if you should be with him." Taehyung bit his lip and looked back down at his lap. "Exactly. He's not going to leave you because you're pregnant. Just talk to him and I'm sure you'll have things figured out like that." Jimin snapped his fingers to illustrate just how quickly.

Taehyung nodded and stood up from the edge of the tub. "How about we start talking about that pup shower you want?"

"Only if you promise that you'll stop being stupid and thinking Jungkook's gonna leave you for this." Taehyung sighed in exasperation before agreeing. "Good, now help me up." He held his hands out for Taehyung to help him stand up.

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