3 Days & Counting (AKA Mochi's Bday)

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Jimin breathed deeply as Yoongi and his mother helped him onto the hospital bed after he was changed into a gown. He had just gotten settled against the pillows when another contraction hit him, a pained whine escaping him as he waved his hand at Yoongi to get him to hold it. Yoongi let him squeeze his hand as tightly as needed while murmuring comforting and encouraging words to him that Jimin couldn't decipher through the pain he was in. "Excuse me," He heard his mother asking one of the nurses in broken English as his contraction subsided. "When he get...needle? Medicine?"

The omega nurse seemed confused for a second before realizing what she was asking. "Oh, an epidural's not in his birth plan."

His mother looked to Yoongi and Jimin in slight confusion. "He's not getting an epidural." Yoongi translated.


"Yes, really." Jimin said as he attempted to relax on the bed. "I don't want to be numb throughout labor or when I'm giving birth, so I'm opting out. If it gets too unbearable, then I'll take something else. But I'm not getting a giant needle inserted into my spine." His mother opened her mouth, but Jimin cut her off before whatever she was going to say could come out. "Eomma, if you're going to spend the whole time questioning my choices and judgment, then you can just leave." After a beat of silence, his mother apologized before moving to sit on the couch in the room.

Yoongi gently ran his thumb over the back of Jimin's hand, pressing a kiss to his temple. "Anyone you want to tell that you're in labor?"

"Our friends." Jimin said. "Tae and I always talked about being there for each other, and Seokjin promised to help keep my mood up since he's been through it so recently." Yoongi nodded and kissed the back of Jimin's hand before pulling his phone out of his pocket so he could text the group chat all of their friends were in."

Taehyung was the first to arrive, waddling over to Jimin's other side to take his free hand. "Jimin, you're about to be an eomma!" He squealed before diving to a bunch of questions he had, no doubt imagining what it would be like when he went into labor in the future. Jimin answered to the best of his abilities with his contractions regularly interrupting him.

About two more hours in, Seokjin finally rushed into the room. "Sorry, I had to put Jae down to bed before I could come." He apologized as he gave Yoongi and Jimin greeting hugs. "How are you feeling so far?"

"Pain." Jimin answered simply as he'd just came out of a contraction when Seokjin walked in.

"Trust me, I completely understand." Seokjin chuckled. "How are things progressing though? No issues yet?"

Jimin shook his head. "I'm dilated to seven and already 100% effaced. The nurses say everything is looking good and that it's just a waiting game right now."

"Some game, huh." Seokjin laughed as Jungkook appeared in the doorway, glancing in hesitantly.

"Hi, Jungkook." Jimin greeted, forcing the alpha to step fully into the room.

"I was just coming to see if Yoongi wanted to go get something from the cafeteria with me and Hoseok."

Yoongi opened his mouth to respond, but Seokjin scoffed, speaking before he could. "Bold of you to assume he's allowed to eat." The alpha gave him an offended look while Jimin giggled next to him. "When I was in labor for over 20 hours and couldn't have anything except clear liquids, do you think that Namjoon was allowed to go and get a sandwich? Hell no."

Jimin's giggles stopped, and his eyes widened as he recalled how lengthy Seokjin's labor had been the year before. "Oh god, I don't think I could do this for 20 hours."

Seokjin immediately turned to him to reassure him. "Oh, honey, you won't. You're already really close to the finishing line. You probably won't even make it past midnight."

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