Letting go.

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I was right. As soon as the hot water hit the skin of my knuckles my face scrunched in pain. They stung like hell, and they wouldn't stop. So gritting my teeth I rubbed every one until they were clean of dry blood, revealing the torn skin beneath it. Maybe I had gone a little too hard on the punching bag.

Once I was finished showering I grabbed a towel and hugged it close to my skin, yet again feeling cold despite the warm temperature of the tower. I decided not to dress my hands, they needed to breathe and there was no way I'd be able to hide what I'd done if they were wrapped in bright white bandages. I pulled on joggers and a t-shirt, followed by a hoodie that I tugged down my arms in an effort to keep my hands hidden. I hadn't eaten in a couple of days, mostly since I hadn't felt hungry, but my stomach rumbled. Hopefully everyone will have left the kitchen by now and I can hide myself away in there rather than my room for a change of scenery.

I hung my towel back up in the bathroom before leaving my room. The kitchen was empty when I got there so I gave myself time to think about what I wanted. I decided on an apple since I hadn't eaten in a few days so I didn't want to shock my stomach with anything big, and I wanted to keep the food down this time. So I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and sat at the counter, staring down at it as I ate. It felt good to finally be eating something, my stomach a little unsure at first but it soon stopped flipping after each bite.

Natasha's POV

I wasn't going to stop in the kitchen, but when I saw Rue sitting in there on her own I thought it'd be a good opportunity to check up on her. She wasn't exactly open but I'd have a much better chance if it was just me and her.

"Hey Rue. Having a good day?" I posed the question whilst grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. I didn't exactly need it but I didn't want to focus all of my attention on her, she wouldn't like that.

"Um it's been okay thanks. I haven't done much." She hadn't been in her room when I went to check on her earlier, so I knew she was hiding something from me. But I didn't want to interrogate her so I chose to ignore it. If she wanted to talk I would listen, but she definitely wouldn't if I tried to force her.

"I couldn't find you earlier, but I wanted to tell you something. About last night, you don't need to apologise. I'm glad you came to me, I'm glad you trusted me." I smiled at her now, slowly unscrewing the lid of my water.

"Oh um okay. I think I'll be okay from now on though. They're getting better." I hated that she was trying to hide herself away, forcing herself to lie because she thought that was what's best for me. She needed to think of herself. And I knew for a fact they weren't getting better. Last night she was truly terrified, too scared to stay in her room alone let alone try and go back to sleep. But as I said, I wasn't going to force her.

"Well you know, if you ever need me come to me. But I'm glad they're getting better. Also, Tony wants us all to come to dinner tonight. I think it'd be good if you came, you can meet the rest of the team and get to know them a little better.

"Um yeah sure. I'll be there." I wasn't expecting her to agree to come along, but I was glad. If she got to know everyone hopefully this place would feel more like home. And she was going to start training her powers with Wanda soon, so it'd be nice if she met her before then in a more relaxed setting.

"Ok great. It starts at 7:30. I'll see you there." I gave her a smile before turning and leaving the kitchen. I really hoped she'd learn to love this place.


7:30 rolled around and the whole team was gathered around the table near the kitchen. As I sat down I looked around at all of the faces, searching for Rue. At first I missed her but after a few glances I saw her sitting between Clint and Wanda. I was so glad that she'd come, that she'd surrounded herself with people rather than hide herself away. She needed us.

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