What are you doing?

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After half an hour of conversation Tony suggested they watch a movie, to which everyone agreed. Although I hadn't even offered my opinion, not caring whether we watched something or not. A few minutes into the film I leant my head on Natasha's shoulder, not thinking much of it. She immediately moved her arm out of the way so that my head rested on her chest while she pulled me into a loose side hug. After watching the screen for a while my attention shifted, straight back to the bandages that were more bloodied now. The crimson colour now covered most of the palm of my hand, making it impossible to hide unless it was fully turned over. I'd have to change the dressing before I went to bed, on my own somehow without Natasha finding out. So as I sat there, cuddled up against her, I continued to poke at my hand absentmindedly and in what I thought was secret.

Natasha's POV

Rue had been quiet all day, especially this evening, and she still wasn't eating. As I looked down at her now, her head rested against me, she was fiddling with her bandaged hand. It seemed that she wasn't aware she was doing it, as her eyes were fixed on the window behind the TV. In an effort to stop her without drawing attention, I just used my free hand to hold onto her good one and she didn't protest. She needed to leave her injury alone, otherwise it would just take longer and longer to heal. However, the second I gripped her hand she hurried to hide the other one. Placing it palm down on the side of her leg, out of sight.

We all sat there for another couple of hours and every few minutes I'd spare Rue a glance, although she didn't fall asleep once. So when the movie finished and we'd all finished chatting for the night, we all started to make our way to bed. Rue and I were the first to leave as I sensed her tiredness, as well as her need to be in a quiet place away from so many people. There weren't a lot of us, but at the moment she seemed overwhelmed by too much socialising.

Once we got back to my room we both got ready for bed, although just as I was about to climb under the covers Rue excused herself to the bathroom. I wouldn't have thought this was odd if she hadn't gone already and this time she hadn't locked the door behind her, most likely because she'd forgotten. I could hear the cupboard opening, and some rustling around. Then someone cursing under their breath in what sounded like frustration. "Rue, is everything okay?" Silence on the other end, but the cursing seemed to stop as soon as my voice sounded. "Rue?" She was rushing something now, the rustling becoming more frequent. So I stood up from the edge of the bed and approached the bathroom door, knocking lightly when I reached it. "Rue, are you okay?" Again, she didn't reply. "I'm coming in." As I pushed down on the handle and opened the door, she shouted "No!" But it was too late.

Her hand was totally undressed, and it was bleeding. It shouldn't have been since the stitches did well to close it, and there hadn't been any blood when I'd dressed it for her yesterday. "Rue, what happened?" She continued to fiddle with the pack of bandages, desperately trying to cover up her injury. So I rushed forwards and stopped her hands moving, forcing her to take a breath and look at me. "Rue, what happened?" I repeated, hoping she'd respond this time.

"Nothing." Was all she gave me, as she pulled her hands free and continued fighting with the bandage.

"It doesn't look like nothing." Now that I was closer I could see that one or two of her stitches had popped, only a scab holding those parts of her skin together now.

"It's nothing" she urged, desperately trying to cover it up.

I sighed. "Let me help you." With that she let me take the pack out of her hand and open it myself. I then rested her injured hand on my knee and dressed it carefully but somewhat tightly, like I had last time. Once I was sure it would stay secure I threw the packet and leftover bandage in the bin, along with the bloodied one that she'd taken off.

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