2: Sly Little Girl

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The detective L Lawliet sat in his hotel room, crouched on the floor as he towered over papers scattered all over the floor.

With a lollipop in his mouth, his tongue swirled around the candy, dyeing his tongue blue as he squinted his eyes.

His dark eyes averted to the clock on the wall. It was time for his conference.

He stood and approached his monitor that was also on the floor.

L crouched once again and joined the meeting, obviously not showing his face to whoever was holding this meeting.

"Good evening, L."

On L's screen was a old man, his hair was fully white and prominent wrinkles lining his face. His thin framed glasses sat of the edge of his nose.

"Mr. Yamato." The man greeted in his monotone voice.

"I won't waste any more of your time. We, the police force, need your help."

The man took the detective's silence as a push to continue, "There's a thief on the loose and they need to be caught."


"Pardon?" Mr. Yamato questioned with a raised brow.

"I don't deal with crooks; this case seems simple and doesn't interest me." He stated a matter-of-factly, "I'm sure you'll catch them."

"Sir, they have targeted four jewelry stores, a bank and two museums so far. Who knows when they'll stop? This thief only goes after the most valuable items and they're getting away with it." Mr. Yamato said whist looking down onto a piece of paper, seemingly reading the information off of it.

"They left no evidence whatsoever and they stole over one million dollars so far. Currently, they're known as The Ghost." He added.

Half of L was impressed though it wasn't clearly shown on his face.

The other half was wondering how the police can't find a thief.

But the detective didn't worry as he thought that he'd get this crook to answer all his questions he had, in front of him and in handcuffs.

The detective hummed, stirring in silence for a couple seconds before answering, "Send me everything you have so far."

Mr. Yamato exhaled in relief that they got the world's best detective on the case; it was below his standards but maybe it could be fun. There weren't much great cases in months and if he had anything better or harder to work on, he wouldn't have accepted.

L was curious to know how this person wasn't able to be caught so far, clearly, he wasn't dealing with an idiot.

Whoever was behind was not only smart but very careful and that's what makes them so hard to catch.

And L knew that.

That's what made this person so dangerous.

"Thank you very much L."

The detective hummed and left the virtual meeting and immediately delved into work.

Going through the thief's patterns and targets.

His deduction was correct, whoever this person is, they were careful and organized

At every place that was targeted, the Jack of either clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds were left at the scene, telling him it's the same person.

First it was just a coincidence, maybe a customer left it behind but after some time they concluded that leaving being that taunting card is The Ghost's thing.

"It's all a game to them, huh?"

Yuffe's Jewelry store was his main focus, the criminal's first hit.

The first hit is the most imperfect, it's the first time, they would bound to do something wrong and most importantly... Leave something behind.

Lawliet's confidante, Watari, picked up and dropped the male off at the jewelry store as it was closed at the time and seemingly close.

Entering the sore he saw nothing, it was still bare, no fingerprints, no hair strands, no sort of DNA.

His eyes found a door at the side at the very back, immediately he saw a red wire attached the door, when his eyes followed the wire, it led to an alarm.

It was untouched, meaning the person never used this door, therefore telling him there was another vantage point to enter.

Upon looking around again, nothing really stood out. When he thought, he thought about other ways he'd break onto a place.

Basically, putting himself in the criminal's shoes. An old tactic but never failed him.

He thought about a vent. L would crawl through a vent as it's the easiest way to enter and the safest. He tilted his head up and almost smiled when he saw a vent opening which led to the roof.

The detective trudged outside, his bare feet making contact the wet concrete of the alleyway.

Looking at the perimeter, he saw no possible way to reach to the roof of Yuffe's.

That's until he saw the fire escape on the building beside the store

In climbing up the escape, he immediately saw the pile of clothes and rope that were halfway burnt.

L picked it up with his pointer and thumb fingers, inspecting it.

He deducted that either the fire was too weak and it outted itself before it could entirely burn the clothes or of course, rain could have fallen.

The male saw the small tube of gasoline and used matchstick was on top the pile of clothes.

He inspected the black attire, and the detective deducted it to be women's wear. The fabric was thick to the touch because of the effects of the fire but the unaffected area was thin and smooth. It was soft and comfortable. 

With the gender being revealed, he hummed.

"We have a sly little girl around the streets of England." He mumbled, dropping the burnt clothes before shoving his hands in his pockets of his jeans.

He couldn't say 'no' to a little game of cat and mouse.

"We'll meet real soon Ghost."

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