7: Some things Just Vanish, Could You Handle It?

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"So, she just stopped?" Watari asked. He stood near the door of his hotel room looking at the mess he's seeing.

The mess he was seeing wasn't relative to the messiness of the room but the man himself.

L looked terrible. He was frantic and on edge.

"Yes." The ravenette male said as he held a page in his hands using his two fingers, "Why did she? Surely, she just didn't have a change of heart, it's not like her"

After that phone call he had with Y/n there wasn't a single robbery with a card at the scene, a single phone call, an encounter.

He'd come to a couple possibilities. 1- she had a change of heart and just stopped, 2- she stopped placing cards at robberies so they couldn't tell which hit was hers, 3- something happened to her.

The last possibility made him concerned, and he found himself hoping it wasn't that one.

It was weird of L to think that he tried to stop thinking much on it, but it kept coming back to him.

"I'm going off the assumption that every robbery is the work of The Ghost." L said whilst taking a piece of cake from the coffee table.

"Even that one?"

The detective looked at Watari with confusion and wondered what he meant but followed his gaze to the TV

It was muted but it showed the world news and the banner at the bottom of the screen in bold white letters read 'Robbery of museum leaves Australia in shock'

L scrambled to the couch, looking for the remote and once it was in his grasp, he turned the volume up.

'-say it's the worst yet greatest robbery they'd ever seen. No evidence or DNA were left behind and yet the thief was able to clean out the entire museum. The estimate stolen was 2.3 million dollars. Could this be the work of The Ghost who has been dormant for the last couple of weeks? Or is this another who could be better'

"She's in Australia?" Watari asked in possible disbelief, no one ever knew what the old man was really thinking or feeling.

"I need to talk with the police involved with the investigation of the robbery" L started to pace for up and down whilst thinking.

Watari nodded and took his phone out to start arranging for a meeting between them.

What is she doing in Australia?

After a while, Watari ended his calls and walked to L's crouched figure in the middle of the room.

He had successfully gotten L a meeting with the investigators so he can get all the information he needed.

So that is what L was currently doing. He was organizing his microphone and set up for it.

There was an ease in his mind, the only way he'd know if Y/n okay is by her robberies and if he was being honest, he was glad it happened.

The detective didn't really care about the people caught in the crossfire of the person he's chasing.

All he cares about is bring justice to them and putting the criminal behind bars. It was like a game to him yet this one was different.

In finishing hooking up the last wire for his microphone, L crouched in front of the monitor and joined the meeting.

There was a lot of faces that he didn't even care to remember or look at. He was only there for information.

Most of the men in the room greeted L and after a moment of silence, he cleared his throat.

"I am detective L Lawliet." He started off, "I would like to know everything on the recent robbery on your end."

There was a lot of chattering before the chief of police stood in front of the camera

"Upon arrival, we noticed that all security items were disable with some sort of device we identified as a scrambler. It mixes the signal, so it doesn't work."

The detective said nothing, he placed his hands on his knees as he continued, "We checked perimeter cameras and saw a hooded figure which led us nowhere. Everything was cleaned out and there were clear signs of entry."

L paid no mind to Watari who had just came back from running some errands and sat on the sofa next to L's figure.

"We found prints too, didn't we chief?" A officer from behind said.

"Yes, we also found prints but there was no match."

L hummed and stood from the floor, "That would be all. Thank you for your cooperation. If I get anything I'll let you know."

Quickly he unplugged the monitor and stood there for a couple minutes, he rubbed his right foot over his left as he concentrated.

"Is something the matter, L?"

After a brief moment of silence, L walked to the window and enjoyed the city view.

He had looked out that window for about eight times for the day so far. He watched the people bustling up and down the streets and the lights of the buildings in the distance.

"It's not her."

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