9: If There Ever Was A God To Exist; It'd Be Me

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"So, Y/n starts her reign at the Jewelry store approximately a year and three quarters ago. She begins her hit on Jewelry stores, banks or museums. After my encounter with Kenjii which also corresponds to the day I got that phone call, she stopped."

L pointed a picture of Kenjii amongst hundreds of other photos on his corkboard, "Either something happens between the two or the fact I knew her name scared her off thus beginning the rise of the copycat."

His pale slender finger tapped on a silhouette of a person with a scrappy question mark on it with red ink, "In one hit, the copycat stole the amount of money The Ghost had stolen over the time span of a year. This would make our copycat better in the eyes of the public."

He played with the red yarn that connected to multiple pictures on the board, "Nothing being left behind. Do you see where I'm getting at?"

Then his gaze went to Watari on the couch who looked at the detective like he was crazy. Well, he was the whereabouts of Y/n had him out of his mind.

"Not really."

"If I know ms. Ghost." L said, "And I do. She's going to hit something bigger to outdo this copycat."

Watari hummed and scratched his head, his white soft hair in contact with his fingers. He slid his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Like the national reserve of the United States of America?"

With furrowed brows, the detective said, "Well that was oddly specific."

When he was about to look being him at the TV screen, his phone ringed.

He fished it out of the pockets of his jeans and answered it

"Detective, I am the chief of police of the US and we have a letter from The Ghost to you." His gruff voice sounded frustrated and raspy like he'd just gotten out if bed.

He continued, "We found it at the scene of the robbery."

The pale male crouched on the couch next to Watari and hummed, "Tell me everything you have so far."

"Usual signs of The Ghost," he started, "Disabled alarms with the use of hacking of some sort, clothes burnt on the roof, clear signs of entry in the vents. However, this time, she transferred the money to an offshore account and we have no way getting onto it. How much was stolen is not calculated as yet."

The detective frowned a bit, and his free hand clutched his knee, "Anything else?"

There was silence, mumbling and rustling on the other end and L impatiently waited for his response.

"My apologies but yes." The chief said, "They just found a playing card. Jack of hearts."

The edge of the detective's lips curled up into a smile, "Scan the letter and forward it to me. When the estimate stolen is provided, email it to me. That would be all."

Without waiting to receive a response, he hung up and stood, digging his hands in his pockets.

The ravenette exhaled deeply and went to his monitor.

"She did it, didn't she?" Watari asked while taking his phone out as well.

"I'm a genius."

L then crouched once more and clicked on the email just sent of the chief.

He squinted his dark eyes at the bright screen and started reading.

Dear detective,

Hi L, it's been a while huh? I hope you haven't forgotten about me *wink wink*.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is because I would like to ask a favour. I would like if you directed the US police to these coordinates xxxxxxxx

I know they'll listen to you instead of me.

It's not a joke or a prank. I really need you to trust me on this one though I highly doubt you will.

I mean, I get it. If I were in your shoes I wouldn't trust me either. If you do this for me, I say thank you very much. If you don't I understand.

Yours Truly

The detective read the letter like it was the best book he'd ever read.

She seemed genuine enough by ending off with her name. Almost like if they were talking person to person and not criminal to detective.

Besides the fact she thought about him to carry out this for her spoke a lot.

L's mind told him not to do it, that it's just another trap.

But his heart almost seemed to have a soft spot for her.

Maybe it was the challenge the detective liked? The way she'd stand out from anyone he'd ever met.

Only if it was under different circumstances.

That didn't stop him from contacting the chief of police and telling him the coordinates.

He exhaled deeply and closed his eyes shut.

Don't let me down, Y/n.

One of his dark eyes opened when his computer pinged. When he saw he had gotten an email from the chief, his other eye opened.

He clicked on the email, and he quickly scanned through the words.

Upon reading the last sentence, his posture slightly straightened in disbelief.

"We'll I'll be damned." He mumbled to himself, eyes not leaving the screen in front him.

The Ghost had successfully gotten away with seven point four million dollars.

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