13: He's Not The Nicest Guy In The Universe; That's Because He's The Smartest

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L took his coat and shrugged it on, he walked the streets of England.

He walked with his hands in his pockets, not really thinking about anything.

The detective ignored all the stares, whispers, advances and just kept walking to his destination.

He reached an alleyway and walked down to face a metal door which he yanked open.

Upon walking in, he walked toward the counter where Kenjii stood behind.

He kept his head down but when he sat on a wooden barstool, Kenjii immediately approached him.

"What can I get ya, man?"

L raised his dark eyes to meet Kenjii's brown ones

The brunet dropped the smile a bit and cleared his throat and placed a forearm on the counter.

"What do you want, detective?"

The detective couldn't crouch on a small seat as the stool, so he sat normally, bouncing his left leg repeatedly.

"Have you heard from Y/n?"


Kenjii was quick, assertive, confident.

He was also lying.

"Yeah, you do." The detective coaxed, "I know she isn't in England anymore."

Kenjii let out a breathy laugh while shaking his head, "You really expect me to sell out Y/n? The girl I've known since I was a fucking kid?"

L furrowed his brows and shook his head slightly; his pale hand made its way on the counter as he looked to the TV mounted on the wall.

"I want to know if she's okay."

The male looked at L with confusion, what was more confusing was his genuinity.

"Why do you care?"

L found it within himself to look at the bartender, his demeanor was now softer as he shrugged, "I have no idea."

The brunet sighed and took a beer from a cooler and cracked it open with his teeth as he rounded the counter to sit next to the detective.

"Ever since I've known her, she always figured something out. She'd make with what she had, and she'd survive, no matter what."

Kenjii chuckled a bit, "And that's why I survived this shit world too. I'm sure she's okay."

L was silent as Kenjii took a swig of his beer, "I'm confused." He said then looked to L, "You want to arrest her but you're worried about her?"

L breathlessly laughed for a second before brushing his thick black hair back to get his locks out his face.

"I don't want to arrest her for the reason you think I do." He said calmly.

Kenjii chuckled and stood to his feet to grab another beer from the cooler behind the counter, "I'm too drunk to try to understand what you just said."

With a bottle opener this time, he popped the seal and slid it to the detective.

L looked at it for a while and held the cold beverage by the neck of it and took a drink with the most nonchalant expression.

"You got a crush on her, huh?" Kenjii questioned while leaning over the counter to look at his expression, "The robotic like detective has a thing for the most wanted girl in England and now possibly the States."

L's silence told him all he needed to know so the brunet hummed in satisfaction.

"As beautiful as that is." Kenjii stated after finishing his beer, "I'm still not ratting her out."

"I'm not asking you too, Mr. Macher"

The male cringed at the name and shook his head frantically, waving the ravenette off, "God no. Call me Kenjii."

The bartender's attention was ripped away from L when a couple men came up to the counter ordering their share of alcohol.

While Kenjii fixed them up, L's dark almost lifeless eyes wondered about.

He set this half drunken beer down on the counter before him as he spotted a stack of papers on a small shelf behind the counter.

It was more like mail, what caught his attention was the stamps on it.

The stamps would indicate there was a ninety six percent chance that it was a letter or something small sent overseas. The mail at the top of the stack had handwritten words though he was too far to see.

The only person Kenjii talks to that is overseas is, "Y/n." L mumbled.

L stood from his barstool, unknowingly to Kenjii, and approached a buff guy who was playing pool with some other people.

The male nursed a cigarette as he held the pool cue in his other waiting for his turn.

"Pardon me." L introduced which grabbed the gruff guy's attention, "That guy said he slept with your mother and-"

"He what?!" The male roared as he looks to that man L pointed to who supposedly 'slept' with his mother.

The aggravated man stomped over to the male talking to Kenjii and immediately punched him which made him fall to the floor.

While the two males fought and Kenjii tried to separate them both, L walked to behind the counter and snagged the mail from the stack.

As he expected, it was Y/n's handwriting and with every receiver's address; there must be a sender's address.

His eyes wavered frantically as he looked for the sender's address. L's heart almost stopped when he found it.

"New York, huh?" he mumbled as his slender thumb brushed against the black ink she had used in writing the words on the envelope.

By the time the detective put it back and found his seat once more, Kenjii had successfully tore the two males apart and kicked them out.

L got a hold of his beer and took a swig when Kenjii sat next to him once more.

The brunet sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose but soon it turned into a slight laugh,

"Can't believe he just got his shit rocked for sleeping with Al's mother."

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