15: We're All Similar In One Way Or Another; A Lot Of People Don't Get That

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Y/n sat in a cold cell.

Behind bars, she scoffed at her situation as she laid on her cold and hard cell bed.

The girl had been there for two weeks, each day passing by like a little sloth climbing a branch to reach the top.

There was no sense of time, she mostly slept it all away. Her final day for court where they would announce her sentence was approaching and Y/n wasn't exactly thrilled about spending thirty years like that.

She inhaled deeply, the aroma of concrete and dirty rainwater filling her nose. Small noises echoed throughout along with the muttering of her mates in other cells.

Y/n closed her eyes shut when someone banged on the bars of her cell. Becoming annoyed, the h/c opened one eye to glance to the side.

"Can I help you with something, Betty?" Y/n asked the guard with obvious attitude.

Betty said nothing but whipped out her keys and opened her cell, "You got a visitor." She merely said, ignoring the attitude given to her by the female in orange.

L tapped his finger on the edge of the desk as he patiently waited for the arrival of Y/n.

He then picked up some files he had with him and aligned the edges with each other to pass the time.

Y/n appeared before him, behind the plexi glass that separated the two.

The detective took note of how she looked in the orange jumpsuit, her hair was messy a bit but nevertheless she looked pretty to him.

He shook the thought as he picked up the phone on his side to talk to Y/n as she did the same.

He was afraid she'd me livid at him, that was until she smiled at him of course

"What a pleasant surprise, detective."

"Y/n." L greeted with a nod, "Are they treating you well?"

Y/n hummed in response, assuring him that they were.

"How are you?"

This made the girl laugh, "Peachy. They made me work in the cafeteria today. Boy was that something."

L hummed in amusement, the corners of his lips curving up slightly, "You burnt the food, didn't you?"

"On purpose." She whispered playfully, "I'm flattered you miss me already, L."

"I never got a case like yours since you've been locked up, what a shame." L said truthfully as she scratched his jean clothed knee.

The h/c haired girl breathlessly laughed and shook her head at the ravenette, "No one got you spinning in circles like I did, huh?"

"No. Just weird ones however."

Y/n quirked a brow, prompting him to go on and give her more details.

L looked to the files before him and opened one with his pointer and thumb finger, "The Birmingham Museum and art gallery was broken into, but nothing was stolen. Even the computers were untouched."

The detective held up a picture of the artifacts in the cases and pressed it against the glass for her to see.

"We're ruling it as an attempt robbery."

The sentence made Y/n laugh slightly as L lowered the picture and look at her with confusion.

"Come on detective." L tilted his head in response which Y/n found absolutely adorable, "Nothing seems untouched because whoever broke into there replaced the artifacts with fakes."

With furrowed brows, L looked at the picture once more. He didn't see any signs of the artifacts being fake and wondered what led her to her conclusion.

"The only way to open that display case is by removing the front glass piece of the case which would require cutting the glass." Y/n motioned to the picture as she continued, "The glue on the sides aren't clear, it's white meaning it's not dry yet. It's a type of glue that works best in situations like that. Hell, I even used it."

The detective sat astonished and in shock as he took another look at the picture.

Y/n spoke as if this was saying the alphabet, she spoke as if it was quite obvious, "They cut the glass, switched the artifacts then glued that shit back. It's like poetry if you ask me." She ended with a slight laugh.

L would admit, sometimes he would allow himself to get overconfident. Meaning that he thinks cases that are simple, would have a simple explanation for it.

Complex cases were his field, he would do research and investigate and solve but with the smaller ones he brushed it off.

Y/n leaned forward, catching L's attention with ease. She wore a playful smile of her face.

"And what do you do with artifacts like that, L?"

L leaned forward also, meeting her gaze, "You sell it."

Snapping her fingers, Y/n laughed, "Bingo."

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