3: If This Detective Wanted To Dance, It Took Two To Tango.

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Y/n walked down the dark alleyway, clutching the hem of her shirt as she shivered.

The night breeze blew by, causing goosebumps to raise on her soft skin.

At the end of the alleyway, there was a rusty metal door that she yanked open.

Immediately, the chattering of men and women filled her ears together with the faint sound of music

St. Mary's wasn't a known bar to all, as a matter of fact, only mercenaries are allowed in.

To the eye, the people that are in here are cold, ruthless, dangerous.

Well...they are, it's just that Y/n aren't scared of these people at all, she'd grown accustomed to them

She wasn't a mercenary, but they made a small exception because she was close with the owner.

The bar was just a plain room with a two pool tables in the middle, table and stools surrounding it.

The balls on the pool table clinked as it made contact with each other

There was a lot of posters and picture frames around the room too.

Many greetings from the people who laid eyes on her were passed her way in which she gave nods to.

Walking to the counter at the side of the room, the female plopped herself of one of the stools outlining the length of the counter.

The female smiled when her favourite bartender, also the owner, came into view.

He had fluffy brown hair that shagged in front of his forehead with beautiful brown eyes to match.

His glasses which were a thin circular frame, sat on the edge of his nose.

The bartender also had tattoos on both his forearms, seeing only small or long gaps throughout of his skin between the black ink.

"Let me guess." He started, a warm smile decorating his face as he rests a forearm on the counter, also leaning a bit closer to the girl.

"You want the usual?" He asked.

Y/n shook her head, "Actually, I wanna try something new."

The bartender's head jerk back a little with a raised brow which Y/n giggled at.

"Of course, I'm fucking with you." Y/n laughed, "Get me my usual, Kenny."

"Right away."

Immediately he fetched her the drink she always gets when she's there, he had it ready in a flash. He was quick, she supposed years of doing that quicken his ability which came in handy if it was a busy night.

Sliding the cup over the smooth wooden counter, Y/n caught it with ease and took a sip. Water droplets slid down the crystal glass and made contact with her finger.

No one knows that she's The Ghost, not even Kenjii.

The brunet slung a rag over his shoulder and pushed his glasses more on the bridge of his nose.

"You're practically rich and you still live in a beat down apartment." Kenjii said to girl who took another sip of her cold drink, "And you still spend your time here. What's wrong with you? If I was you, I'd be touring the Caribbean. "

She merely shook her head at the male, "The business is going great" she lied through her teeth with ease, "Sales are blowing through the roof."

Y/n downed the remained of her drink and slip the crystal glass cup back to the brunet, "Maybe I have a lamp and a genie with me too."

Kenjii rolled his eyes, "Always a smart ass."

"Takes one to know one, Kenny~" she cooed with a slight smirk playing her face.

After chuckling lowly, he shook his head and snapped his fingers, "Before I forget, wanna go to the club with me and a couple other friends on Saturday?"

Y/n opened her mouth to speak and decline when Kenjii spoke again, "I'll get you ice cream beforehand."

The two looked at each other for a while, the brunet thought she was going to say no as she usually does.

Want her to go out? Bribe.

The brunet realized she perked up a bit.

"How can I say 'no' to ice cream?" She smiled and downed the rest of her drink.

The familiar taste of liquor burned her throat, one would think she'd be used to it by now.

The male went to refill her cup when the program on the TV mounted on the wall stopped and was replaced with a live broadcast.

It was a white screen with a 'L' on it.

Y/n side eyed the TV with an uninterested look on her face and paid it no mind.

"As you all may know, I am detective L Lawliet and there is a sneaky thief amongst us in England who goes by the name 'The Ghost'. Personally, they could have done better with the nickname."

Y/n's mouth quirked up into a playful smile which was an unusual response to have after beeing dully insulted. 

It was obvious that their voice was being passed through a modulator before being outputted live.

Her body shifted to face the TV fully and gave it her full attention.

"I wonder what kind of person you are, Ms. Ghost. I am sure we will be well acquainted when I put you behind bars, you little mouse."

A grin tugged on the female's face.

Him? Catch me? Ha! You make me laugh detective.

"I would like Ms. Ghost to know that I'm onto her. I'm excited to meet you, See you soon."

Static took over before the previous program showed on the screen.

Immediately she averted her attention back to the table, lost in thought.

The girl knew that the police were investigating 'The Ghost' but was getting nowhere.

She also knew that they would have to bring in the big guns to catch her because she wasn't no petty thief, she had almost one million dollars that wasn't even hers and she surely didn't earn it.

When the investigation took to more serious measures, as in detectives getting involved, she would have laid low.

Now, how could she?

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