4: Destiny Has A Funny Way Of Bringing People Together, You Know?

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In the robberies leading up to this one, Y/n decided to toy with Mr. Detective.

She left the jack of whatever suit she had placed at the scene with the words 'Too slow', 'You almost got me' or 'Try harder detective'

It was so fun because her favourite part was lurking behind and seeing the police's reaction to it.

She had no idea what L looked like. His face wasn't on the internet, nor did people describe him as it was requested by L that they kept their mouth shut.

He wasn't afraid to show his face, he just wasn't going to do it when it wasn't needed.

She was hoping that the detective would appear at the scene as well to get a firsthand look but that hadn't happened yet.

He was still lurking behind the screens.

Eventually Y/n was bound to make an error.

And that's what exactly happened.

One thing Y/n hadn't encountered was silent trigger alarms.

The only way you can avoid that is by shutting the entire system down. It hadn't occurred to the girl to do that as she didn't think this particular museum had it.

She had spent weeks looking at the layout and placement of cameras and security but cursed herself for not digging deeper into their purchases for security items.

The only way you can know that a place had silent trigger alarms was when you'd hear the siren of cop cars.

Y/n's heart sank to the bottom and pounded as if it was trying to get out of confinement when she heard the sirens and she wasn't close to being finished with the robbery.

She quickly took the rest of artifacts from the glass display cases and shut the briefcase closed with a loud snap.

The girl sprinted towards the entrance double doors and unlocked it as a part of her escape plan.

She ran to the bathroom and closed the lid on the toilet to step on it then popped a vent open, hurrying also to put it back into place after she had entered.

Whilst in she wiggled her through the vents and grunted as this was the smallest vent she'd ever crawled through.

Once reaching to the roof, she slipped her clothes off to put of a dress as it was the easiest thing to put on.

She burnt her entire bag and left the briefcase on the roof as she couldn't carry it with her.

Police are kind of stupid but they're snoopy as hell so the first thing they'll do is sniff around in her briefcase if they were to ever see her.

The h/c haired girl climbed down the fire escape and as soon as she ran towards the front of the building, police arrived and got out of their cars.

Y/n took a deep breath and frowned as she paced towards them before they could even tell her anything or suspect her.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She yelled at the officers.

"Pardon?" One of the men asked.

"My museum has just been robbed and you guys just love taking your merry time!" The girl folded her arms as she looked at the men.

The officers looked at each other, "Our apologies ma'am." one of them nodded.

Y/n whipped out a bunch of keys and walked to the door and pushed one in.

It was able to fit halfway, her body blocked the lingering eyes from behind her from seeing so.

She pretended to twist the key and pull it out and opened the door.

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