A new sun starts the day

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Footsteps echoed down the hallway in a way they haven't in a long long while. These footsteps sounded confident and joyful, full of pride and determination and things have not been that way for the past year. Things have not been that way since Kai and Jay were transported to a new realm.

There was an accident. Jay and Kai's powers made a new untested Borg invention go haywire. Next thing they knew their friends were gone and they had no clue how to bring them back.

It took a year.

A whole master damn year.

But that was all fine now, because even if it took a year Nya had figured it out. She made a machine capable of creating a portal to the same realm her brothers had been sucked into.

Everything changed today.

"Everything all set up?" Lloyd asked and Nya nodded grimly focusing on the few last minute tweeks.

It may have taken a year but Nya had really done it, she invented a way to rip a hole in-between two realms. It took a lot of tea, metal, and failed testing but she was sure she had it now.

"We all know the plan correct?" She asked stiffly. And the others nodded.

"You and I will go into the new realm and find Jay and Kai then use the remote to portal out." Lloyd restated.

"Good. Zane you've got electrical control and Cole you've got the fuel leaves. Everyone ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, let's go get our family back" Lloyd confirmed and Nya smiled to him.

"Initiating start up" Zane chirped and flicked on of the switches on the machine.

"Fuel is now loaded in" Cole reported and Nya could already see the red ultrapotent travelers tea running through the tubes and into the main gate port area.

There was some flashing of blue and then red.

"Cole increase the heat fast!" Cole did as he was told the travelers tea now at a boil.

Suddenly purple light began running lines across the portal like strings attaching to the port or a large spider's web. Then the web sewed itself together tighter and tighter until a rip opened. A beautiful beautiful rip that got wider and wider across the dimensional fabric until it was like staring at a tv screen at something both right in front of them and yet entirely different from where they were.

Heat radiated from the realm beyond the portal and you could see the glaring sun and sand from here.

"That's- that's it! THAT'S THE PLACE! Ready Lloyd!" Nya shouted ecstatically shaking Lloyd by his shoulders. The blonde had a wide grin across his face.

"Ok ok ok I've got the remote and you guys have everything else ready." Nya took a deep breath. "Wish us luck!" She smiled at Ice and Earth.

"I doubt you'll need it" Zane smiled at them.

Just as she was about to step through the portal though a large hand gripped her shoulder stopping her.

"Bring 'em home safe Kay?" Cole had been much more silent since the accident so just that fact he talked was enough to startle the water ninja. The words were stern but even with the hardened expression on his face Water could see right through Earth. She could see the smile in his eyes that the mouth didn't dare show.

Nya gripped his hand back for a second. "I promise."

Then she exchanged Cole's hand for Lloyd's and they walked forward into the purple rift and a white flash washed over them.

Instead of the cold tile that the lab had in it Nya and her youngest brother dropped down onto sand.

The heat was almost stifling but she had expected that. She was connected to water, and sort of desert felt horrid for her. And a desert is exactly were they were. Nothing but sand for miles, sand and sun.

This was it, she did it. She made a portal to a new realm.

Now all Nya had to do was find lightning and fire in a desert.

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