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"No! What do you mean you aren't coming home?!"

"Nya I can't go back home. C'mon you knew that already didn't you?"

"No! Why in all of the- the- why in however many realms there are now, would I assume my brother wasn't coming home with me!"

"Nya you know why! You know exactly why. You're like ten times smarter than I am! I know you know why!"

"I DON'T!" Nya huffed

"Look I-" Kai took a long breath in as if he was the tired one.


"We'll talk about this tomorrow I'm too exhausted for this right now."

"Ah- wha- no! You don't get to just hit the pause button on something like that!"

"Nya, I am very tired right now and I would appreciate it if you would please save this discussion for a different time." He said thinly.

"Oh ho ho ho no. No. You may have everyone else here fooled into following you but you are not the boss of me! You may be my older brother but you, are no king of mine." She growled but Kai kept his back turned to her.

"Fine." He spat. "Do whatever you want Nya. But I'm going to bed." He said in a voice that borderlined complete calm and burning rage.

Nya just watched at a complete loss as her brother firmly turned away and walked back to the house.

Nya stood there flabbergasted for a while.

She felt something deep inside of her welling up at the whole situation. Like there was an intense ball of rage eating away at her insides but the outside of her body just felt cold and... Frustrated.

Like she wanted to smash or break something but she just couldn't.

She just... Couldn't.

You know why.


Nya did not sleep well.

At all.

But it made it a lot easier to storm out of their room with the rage of a spiralling typhoon. She thought she broke the door off it's hinges she slammed it so hard.


"Jeez Ny' you didn't have to wake up the entire city-" Lloyd grumbled and turned over but she ignored it.

She could feel her hair beginning to swirl and float as she stomped down the hallway.

" 'sides, he's not even here." He grumbled and suddenly her hair dropped.

"What do you me he isn't here?"

"He left like, really early this morning, he left a note that said "I'm going down to check in on some caravans, I'll be back this afternoon. P.S. please don't let Nya murder me when I come back.""

"Son of a bitch-" Nya hissed under her breath. "Lloyd I'm going out for a walk I'll be back later."

"Mhm I'll be here."

"Don't kill Kai." He mumbled burying himself deeper in his blankets.


She left the house quietly in a kind of muted rage. She wasn't storming out guns blazing but a path was clearing around her from people who were too terrified to get in her way.

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