TTDK pt.3 Recoil and Anguish

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He had never felt as numb in his life as he did when he carried his best friend, his boyfriend's, dead body miles in the night to a cave that jutted up from nowhere.

A cave where they were supposed to have a date. A cave Jay was gonna show him once they both survived this.

He had wrapped what was left of Jay's cape over his face and chest. He couldn't look at them anymore.

He doesn't even remember what the inside of the cave looked like, he could only feel the pain of his fingers tearing as he clawed away at the hard soil.

Once done he lifted the now stiff body of Jay, tears once again burning down his face as he did so, and lowered it down.

He was on his knees crying

Why did this have to happen? Why him? Why Jay? None of this was fair!

JAY DIDN'T DESERVE THIS! Jay didn't do anything but help people so why-

His breath hitch and he curled himself into a ball on the cold cavern floor.

His voice was small and broken barely a whimper, "I'm so sorry"

Then something weird happened.

A flicker of light in front of him.

Then again, and again, and again.

Slowly he crawled back to his knees with a confused face as the freshly moved ground before him flickered and flashed.

Then the light exploded.

He brought an arm up to cover his eyes as vibrant blue light flooded from the ground covering the entire cave. His hair flowing from the sudden gusts of power.

Kai jumped to his feet as the ground began to rumble beneath him. The entire cave turned blue as the glowing became brighter and brighter. Then shooting up from the ground spires of crystal burst up around the entire cave.

The rumbling finally stopped and he looked to where Jay was... Buried.

A podium of crystal jutted from the ground glowing brighter than the rest of the spires.

He walked up to it and reached out a hand, on the podium were three smaller gems two shaped like lightning bolts and the third a strange star shape in-between the two.

Despite the light show no awe or excitement or even reaction was pulled from him as he numbly pulled the three crystals out stowing them away in his pocket.

And then the Red Sand King laid down on the cold harsh ground and wept until the darkness of sleep consumed him.


His house was dark and cold. No lights were there to give the room relief from the shadows and there was only one person inside and despite his powers of fire there would never be enough heat to fill the spot where the other used to be.

He should be out there. He should be helping his people rebuild their society but there were too many thoughts consuming him, lost in his own grief.

A long jagged spike sat out on his table and he glared at it as if it had taken the world away from him.

In a way it had, the dried blood still covered it.

There was a small scuffling noise as the door creeped open. He almost hissed as the light he hadn't seen in so long flooded into the room blinding him. Relief was only brought as a figure filled the door frame casting a long shadow.

"My King?" Paloa asked gently. Kai grumbled in response and turned away.

"My King the people are worried about you, I am worried about you. Hiding is never good for someone with a heavy heart."

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