TTDK pt.2- Fall of the Blue Dune King

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The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was lean over and start wretching.

Water poured out of his mouth and chest as he coughed violently. Soon enough he finally sputtered to a stop and stayed laying there, wherever he was, for a while just panting and gasping anything to breathe. He may have passed out again he's not sure, what he was sure of was that he was currently not dead which was odd.

He flipped himself over and groaned as his eyes adjusted. He was in some sort of a cave a really really massive cave. There was a hole far above him where he could see the sky, must've been where he fell from he must've gotten caught in a sinkhole. The cave was huge and wide open with a deep dark lake, waterfalls cascaded down into it and sprayed his face. This was probably the most water he'd seen in one place ever since they'd found the lake oasis. But if he fell into that deep of a cenote... how was he still alive?

Then he saw something in the water. Dark black scales with glowing dashes across it's sides. Kai backed up as it slowly rose from the water breaching the surface.

The head came out of the water and went towards him. Kai stood his ground defensively caught off guard when the creature slowly lowered its head onto the ground next to him.

This... was another gnamma serpent. But it was different it had a few glowing tendrils on the sides of its face and had no fins other than one on its head making it look more like a giant snake with whiskers.

It had pure black scales on its entire body other than its cool gray belly and fluorescent markings on its sides and face.

The face was where the real difference was, this gnamma serpent had no eyes. Just divots in its skull where they would've been.

That was just the physical though. Even its energy didn't feel like a gnamma serpent. The ones he met were all cold and kinda angry... Like his sister whenever he fucked up.

This one just seemed... Peaceful? That wasn't quite the right word. It seemed like a mix of peaceful, content, lonely, and sad. Like it had all but given up. Tenderly he reached out to the creature and gently set his hand on its snout. It only made a soft cooing noise.

"Thank you, for saving me." He said and the creature simply made another soft noise.

"RED?! WAS THAT YOU?" Jay's voice echoed down from above. Kai outwardly smiled up to the light.

"Yeah Blue it's me!" He called and then all he could hear was muffled cheering. "Hate to interrupt your celebration but I've got no way out!"

"We'll find a way just stay alive for now and we'll get you out!" Jay called back.

"Okay!" He responded. Despite all the noise the serpent hadn't reacted. It just sunk back under the water.

Something about the creature just depressed him. Then it struck him, why this serpent was so different.

"You're used to living in the dark aren't you? You probably don't even know what a predator is."

Obviously the creature he was talking to didn't respond.

Something else did though.

Something slammed into his back and pushed him forward almost throwing him back into the cenote.

He angrily whipped around ready to turn something to ash but was cut short. A small dragon was standing in front of him. It was a dark orangish red color and about the size of a six week old puppy.

Kai just stared at it blankly as it yipped and growls at him tugging on his half kilt. He knelt down and it promptly tackled him before he picked it up and held it away from him as he examined it.

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