Your Fault Runs Faster Than You

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"LLOYD! COME BACK!" Nya yelled as the green ninja quickly fled out of the cave.

FSM she was so stupid she hadn't even noticed Lloyd was in here she was so angry and caught up in finding out that Jay- Jay was... She needed to find Lloyd!

Kai grabbed her arm before she could take off after him.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away there just wasn't enough time but right now we need to focus on Lloyd. Get him, get back here, and I'll explain everything." Nya didn't verbally respond but she somehow knew that they had reached an agreement.

She was mad at her brother, but thinking about it, it wasn't really his fault he had to help. Isn't that what their jobs always were? Helping people? But why didn't he seem upset!? Wasn't he sad didn't he care the Jay was gone?!

The more and more she thought about it the more she realized it wasn't really just Kai she was mad at. She was mad at Jay, she was mad that he sacrificed himself for a bunch of random people, mad that he gave his life for these strangers without even considering how it would affect his family.

And maybe that was selfish of her and hypocritical, and sure Jay didn't know Nya was trying to reach them but- but it had only been a year! Only a year and he just- just gave up on them! And oh oh fsm this was her fault wasn't it? She wasn't fast enough, she didn't figure it out fast enough and now Jay was gone. Jay was gone and it was because he gave up on them ever coming to get him because Nya wasn't fast enough.

It was all her fault.

She killed Jay.

Nya didn't even realize she had stopped running until Kai came up from behind and shook her.

"Nya! C'mon we need to focus! The desert is way too dangerous to leave Lloyd alone in!"

Yeah she should really get moving... If she doesn't start moving then who knows? Maybe Lloyd will die too because she was too slow. Maybe she'll be the one to kill her best friend and her brother. Wouldn't surprise her, she's too slow to save anyone.

"Ugh Nya SNAP OUT OF IT!" Kai shook her shoulders but she was to far gone. Lost in her head.

Not fast enough for Kai

Not fast enough for Lloyd

Not fast enough for Jay

Not fast enough to outrun everything she's done.

Suddenly she's back in the cave. Standing in front of that main crystal. It was beautiful before.

It's heartbreaking now.

It's weird thinking about it earlier today she felt sympathy for the dead blue dune king she felt sorry for the dead man but felt no real compassion, after all it wasn't like she knew him personally.

Now she did though. Now she did know him personally and she no longer felt sympathy. She felt soul crushing remorse that threatened to swallow her.

How was it so easy to see death as a part of life when it didn't affect you. Why could she see the same dead person two ways and have it be just another death one minute and the end of her family the next?

She was never gonna see Jay again.

The thoughts consumed her.

She was never going to see his smile never going to hear one of his jokes never going to get to give him a hug or pat on the shoulder she was never going to see Jay again. And there was nothing she could do about it.

A soft noise filled her ears. Soft sobbing but it wasn't from her she knows she cries silently and yet small echoes could be heard down the chamber.

She made her way out carefully listening as closely as she could for the person she heard.

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