Death of the masters.

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" How old are you?" Fugaku demanded a response from the blond. The jinchuriki of the future gulped in terror.

" 19."

" Isn't that a bit young." Mikoto wondered.

" The baka at times act idiotic yet has good intentions behind his action." Mirai Sasuke defended her man. Mirai Naruto looks down to his current girlfriend. " I was going to propose, but it's kind of spoiled."

" I can tell. Yes, I accept." Mirai Sasuke accepted the blond potential proposal.

" I'll support the both of you." Mikoto basically gave Naruto a thumbs who was grateful.

" I second that." Kushina cheerfully interviews. " You know you don't have to be such a baka Fugaku." Kushina criticizes the Uchiha.

" How the hell did I end up with the dobe."

" I wonder about the same thing, teme." Both present versions of Naruto and Sasuke questioned the older one. " Just wait until your seventh." Mirai Naruto chuckled. " I must have lost my taste after a while to date that emo bastard." Naruto complains.

" I feel the same Usuratonkachi."

" Are those two always throwing insults at each other?" Shisui was convinced so seen the nicknames they have for each other.

" All the way since their academy days." Kiba replied.

" They act like a married couple." Kakashi teases the two.

" Did future Sasuke just accept Naruto's proposal?" Ino and Sakura were surprised seeing how those two aren't that compatible with each other nor can't stop insulting nor name calling.

" It's really exciting watching ninjas living long enough to get married." Hashirama remarks due to his era's short life expectancy.

" I feel out of place." Itachi mumbled that he was unable to participate. His goal of Sasuke viewing him as a villain eventual death. Mirai Sasuke secretly sent out a hawk underneath her chair to Itachi's direction which landed on his feet. Itachi noticed the hawk, picking up a letter. Unsealing it he pauses once he sees " I know the truth. I forgive you, nii-san." The akatsuki member stared at Mirai Sasuke in disblief.

The orb opens up with a number of shinobi on the floor as Sasuke sat on top one of the down ninja. " If you don't become merciless you'll never win against Itachi." Sasuke stood up dragging her sword across the ground as Orochimaru lectured the Uchiha. " I'll become merciless in front of him, like it or not."

' Not even a drop of blood when I'm looking at this child. The fact that I used to be called a genius looks pitiful.' Orochimaru watched the female Uchiha walk off. " A little longer. Just a little longer and she's mine!"

" The heck."

" What's with Uchiha and taking out a large amount of shinobi?"

" Merciless."

" Why the Uchiha again."

Orochimaru on his deathbed, cough out blood holding his chest. His mouth was stained with his blood. Out of nowhere a condence beam of lightning stretches out in his direction seeing the attack the snake sannin blocks. ' This chakra composition, but I've never seen this kind of shape manipulation before.'

" What?" Orochimaru wonders who is attacking him.

" Who is it?" The door of the room was slashed to pieces by the snake sannin mysterious attacker as the door pieces fell on to the floor the young Uchiha was revealed behind it, her pale slender arm surrounded by the same raiton condense jutsu. Sasuke's stage 1 curse mark spread towards her arm and stopped beside the left shoulder. " Just as I thought.. It's come to this."

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