Isshiki last breath

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" Baryon mode, cool!" Ryousuke's eyes lit up in enthusiasm. Both mirai looked at their child sitting in between them still not used to their future child with them.

" Go future me, show him!! Dattebayo!!!" Naruto cheered.

" The jinchuriki slowly killing himself." Madara understood that this form wasn't meant to be brought up by the kyuubi.

" Naruto. " Kakashi wasn't sure how to react to his student sacrificing. Naruto goes out of his own turf, protecting the village but he is still slowly dying.

" Naruto has the upperhand in the current moment." Gaara noticed the silhouette movement.

" Naruto..." Kushina bit her teeth. " I guess he isn't dying for no reason."

" Dumbass." Tsunade watched her necklace around the blond boy's neck. ' Naruto.' A single tear streamed down. " I guess this is the end of the child of prophecy. " Jiraiya took it in.

' Naruto-kun." Hinata cried.

" At least he sacrificed his life due to his decision." Neji sighs.

' It was a joy to watch you grow from a boy to man.' Hiruzen smiled.

' Mina wouldn't want me to spoil, you-san doesn't die.' Ryoutsuke kept it in mind.

" Unbelievable! He's on par with him. No, he's actually beating him!" Sasuke watched her husband battle against Isshiki. Isshiki spawn gigantic cubes from above Naruto, four of his chakra tails effortlessly caught the one aimed at him. Lifting the cubes upwards Naruto tossed it right back at Isshiki who jumped over it. Out of nowhere Naruto appeared above Isshiki just to land a kick that sent him crashing downwards. From the cloud of debris form by the impact of Isshiki body came out the man who attempts to close the distance just Naruto to wrap his chakra like tails around the otsutsuki body in slow motion Naruto fist implant on Isshiki face the aftermath caused Isshiki body to stumble back.

" Kami!"

" I'm doing it, dattebayo!!"

" It's hard to imagine Isshiki getting manhandled after how dominant he was." Shisui watched the fight between the two powerhouses.

' I should thank Kurama!"

" This is the full power of the kyuubi and Naruto combination." B couldn't believe his eyes at the one sided beatdown.

" He's really going out in a bang!" Deidara exclaimed.

" Naruto going out in a blazing glory!!" Both Gai and Lee declared whilst crying believing this was Naruto last moment on the battlefield.

' It was a joy to watch you grow from a boy to man.' Hiruzen smiled.

" Told him I'll make him eat his words." Mirai Naruto had a smug smirk on his face.

" Are you okay with dying?" Sasura asked her comrade, the young Uzumaki nodded. " If I can protect the village." The sakura haired girl held her tears in. " Sure."

' Those high-speed rods!' Once Isshiki recovered the man held out his palm. Naruto grabs Isshiki black rods, dropping them down. ' Unbelievable! I'm barely able to even track them with my sharingan! ' Sasuke commentates. ' How did he power up so drastically, so fast?!' Isshiki wonders in frustration." Come on, Otsutsuki."

" Her sharingan isn't able to react to them." Hashirama repeated those words.

" That brat is going to be the death of me!" Kurama snarled.

" Baryon mode? It's really incredible. " Gyuki found it hard to believe Kurama had this form alone. " How long have you had the knowledge of this?"

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