Chapter 1: The Cutie Map - Part 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

You know, I always asked myself a couple of questions. How long can one stay a hero and how long can it last? How does it all begin? Well, you guys know me far and wide now as the Hero of Equestria who saved the world many times thanks to my six girlfriends plus my best dragon buddy that I can count on too. However, being sent to Equestria turned out to be another message for my mother to tell that it was my time to shine. Why's that? Let's just say that before I came to Equestria, I still wanted to help out a lot of people despite that I wasn't really allowed to show my powers out in public, so I kept myself as discreet as possible.

Earth, 5 years ago before I went to Equestria. . .

It is nighttime out on the streets of a beautiful looking city of my former home, Earth. Of course not a lot of people were out in the town at this hour as probably the only people who needed stuff from business were out this late at night. However, while things may seem like they're pretty good at the moment out in the city, I would say that right now that the people are going to get annoyed at what's about to happen in just a second.

A woman in a business suit was walking down a sidewalk with her purse around her shoulder as she was just casually going on with her night, possibly heading home which shouldn't be too far away since she decided to walk. However, she frowns and slowly comes to a stop as she couldn't help but hear a noise coming closer and closer towards where she was. She looks around before the noise got a lot more recognizable and it sounded like police sirens. She then decides to turn around before she suddenly gasps as a huge truck driving crazily was homing in on her.

The woman screams and braces for the hit before the truck slowly goes off course of her and she was completely fine and many other police cars drive by chasing after the reckless drivers that almost hit the woman. She sighs before getting a confused look as her shoulder felt more light than usual and she suddenly realizes that her purse was missing.

Woman: H-Huh?? How did. . .? It was just on my shoulder! How could I have lost it that quickly?!

While the business woman was worried about her little accessory, she didn't notice that on the top of the building a shadowy figure with (E/C) eyes was staring down at the whole situation before looking ahead as he already knows why that woman lost her purse and who the suspects are. He jumps high off of the building before lights illuminate his full figure to show that he also had wings and a unicorn horn on his forehead. . . that figure was no doubt me who had a confident smile as I fly off after the police guys chasing the truck.

Inside of the truck, two bad guys were inside with black ski masks on to conceal their identity as it turns out that this was a classic robber scene where criminals are just desperate to get money so that they can make a living. They were also the ones who stole the purse from the woman as I've got to hand it to them that that's some pretty skillful swiping from a moving vehicle. It turns that not only did that truck have bags of money, but also some bags of dynamite too as they probably used that to rob a bank or something.

Criminal: *chuckles sinisterly* This is just too easy.

Criminal 2: Easy? We've got cops on our tails and you're calling this "easy"!?

Criminal: Relax! Besides the guy who owns this truck is our hostage. If we do get caught, then we'll resort to Plan B.

Criminal 2: Right. Plan B. Do we still have more than enough gas to ditch them though? They're really hot on our tails!

Criminal: Yet they can't catch up to us, partner. You've got to learn that actually doing these things in reality is menacing enough that you will never get caught by something else besides dumb police officers that can't even speed up enough to catch a runaway truck.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 5)Where stories live. Discover now