Chapter 4: Tanks For The Memories

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It'll be Seasons greetings for all of Equestria today as winter is just around the corner so snow can come down, leaves can drop off of their trees, and ponies will have fun in the snow. Rainbow Dash is also excited for this as we see her making her high speed flight across Ponyville. Her pet tortoise Tank is out for a leisurely aerial cruise above the houses, propeller and goggles strapped on. She rockets by him fast enough to leave him spinning in place, then doubles back to gather him up and point into the sky.

Rainbow Dash: Look at that, Tank!

She is pointing to Cloudsdale, floating at a considerable altitude in the far distance, out past the Castle of Frienship.

Rainbow Dash: Cloudsdale's here! That means Ponyville is next up for winter!

Letting go of her pet, she turns her eyes in a different direction as a multitude of ponies were seen barreling through the woods and wearing numbered placards over their Cutie Marks. The Running of the Leaves has come to play to prepare for winter as well as their running sets a tumble of leaves falling towards the ground. Rainbow Dash then pulls in above them to address them with compliments and enthusiasm.

Rainbow Dash: You're doing awesome, everypony! Keep it up! We need those leaves off those trees!

Tank cruises along, stopping next to a cloud on which she alights.

Rainbow Dash: Once we get autumn cleared away, it'll be HELLO, winter!

To which her animal companion responds with a cavernous yawn, throwing her for a loop.

Rainbow Dash: Was that a yawn I just saw?

He does it again as she gets in his face and grabs him animatedly.

Rainbow Dash: How can you be tired when the most exciting time of the year is right around the corner? And don't forget the best part. . .

She twirls him before letting him go as he spins away.

Rainbow Dash: Our first winter together!

The whirling trajectory settles into a slow descent and now really concerned, Rainbow drops to his level.

Rainbow Dash: Come on, wake up! Once those ponies bring in the big, fat clouds full of snowflakes, we'll have a ton of snow for our extreme sledding!

Tank's lethargic green face and eyes start to drift closed for a snooze for a second before Rainbow eagerly points him elsewhere.

Rainbow Dash: And over there, we can play horse hockey, with no shoulder or arm pads!

The tortoise snaps his head up with a weak smile that reassures Rainbow for only a moment before it drifts back into sleepiness worries Rainbow Dash again. Twilight and (Y/N) then fly down towards her as they've been doing their parts in preparing for winter too.

(Y/N): Hey, Dashie. Looks like another Winter Wrap Up is going good this year.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* (Y/N), you know we only say that at the END of winter. Still everything's looking great, don't you think?

Rainbow Dash: Almost everything. Does Tank look alright to you?

The said pet is now rotating slowly in place and letting off a fresh yawn.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, he does seem to be moving a little slowly.

Rainbow Dash: I know, right?

(Y/N): Tank is always moving slowly you guys.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, right. Well, he does also look kind of sleepy. . .

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 5)Where stories live. Discover now