Chapter 8: Prince Spike

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Today is going to be quite a royal day for the Royal Sisters, Princess Cadance, Twilight, and (Y/N) as they were hosting a very special occasion for ponies and some creatures who have come from all across Equestria. This was the Grand Equestria Pony Summit and all were well prepared for this meeting today. However, some were a little bit too prepared as Twilight and (Y/N) actually stayed up a little bit too long or maybe a lot as they haven't slept for three days straight which meant that they probably had horrible insomnia. Luckily this is why Twilight brought Spike along in case things get a little dicey.

The four royal ponies were getting ready to go on stage in a just a minute as they were walking towards it and as they did, Princess Cadance could hear a loud yawn go off from behind her as she sees that it was from Twilight as both her and (Y/N) had bags under their eyes and looked like they could fall asleep at any minute.

Princess Cadance: Are you two alright? You really look like you need to take it easy.

Twilight Sparkle: *yawns* It's fine. . . Putting this together for dozens of cities all across Equestria was worth all of those countless hours of sleep. . .

(Y/N): Yeah. . . It was and now. . . now. . . *yawns* Now I feel like a couple of more minutes can't hurt us before we need to head on and. . . take care of b-b. . . business. . .

Princess Cadance: Oh, you two. Just look at yourselves in a mirror. I don't know if you'll even be able to handle being on stage. Perhaps you two should just head somewhere and take a nap while I let Aunty Celestia and Luna know what condition that you two are in. I'm sure that they'll understand.

(Y/N): A nap? Nah. . . I don't think that I can sleep a wink. . . *yawns*

Princess Cadance: You're tone of voice says otherwise. . .

Twilight Sparkle: . . .Cadance, we've come such a long way to prepare for these ponies who have taken their time to visit us for all of these. . . these. . . th-these important meetings that they must have with each other. . .

Princess Cadance: That's great and I'm sure they're just as thankful for your hard work, but. . .

(Y/N): Cadance. . . Just one word won't kill us. . . That's all we want to say to them. . .

Princess Cadance raises an eyebrow as she is still cautious of letting these two extremely tired ponies up on the stage after they did such long work. Spike then nudges Twilight to looks down at him.

Spike: I mean if there really is something that you need help with the public speaking then I'll volunteer for you guys.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, Spike. . . It'll be short and sweet. . . Just making a small. . . *yawns* small announcement.

Spike: Can't I at least tell them that I'm also here to help since you know. . . I'm your assistant.

Twilight Sparkle: I suppose that's fair.

Princess Cadance then turns to the floor as she sees many ponies admiring what was under a large brown tarp which means that it was almost time for them to go on stage.

Princess Cadance: Well. . . look sharp you two.

(Y/N): N-No sweat!

He says tries to stand up looking tall.

(Y/N): Feeling a more sharp and awake already. . .

Cadance gains a nervous look hearing this as (Y/N) and Twilight are still sounding pretty tired despite their efforts to try and stay awake. Even so, Cadance turns away from them to join the other two princesses as they were about make their small announcement. Many ponies were seen conversing among others casually with respect as the crowd's attention gradually focuses on a large, bulky, tarp-covered object standing in the ballroom, but a trumpet fanfare quickly shifts their focus.

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