Chapter 2: The Cutie Map - Part 2

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Previously on MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria. . .

Twilight Sparkle had more wonders about her new Castle of Friendship and called all of the Mane 7 over for a meeting to know why the castle is there. At first, the others think that there is nothing really important about the castle except for the fact that it looked regal for Twilight and (Y/N). However, all of their presence summoned a new tool for the Mane 7 to explore all of Equestria with. The Cutie Map. They were then abruptly called by the map to a part of Equestria where the Mane 7 find this lonely village called Our Town. A village lead by Starlight Glimmer where ponies think of nothing, but themselves as equals that reside without Cutie Marks. Thinking that there is a twist to this, the Mane 7 decide to investigate with some of the ponies Night Glider, Sugar Belle, and Party Favor to find out that they indeed miss their Cutie Marks and their special talents. They requested Starlight to allow them to see the Cutie Mark vault, only to be lead into a trap where Starlight uses the Staff of Sameness to steal the seven ponies' Cutie Marks. Now they are in a real predicament as they too don't have talents to show. Will the Mane 7 get their Cutie Marks back and restore the village to put an end to Starlight's propaganda?

Now back to where we left off. . .

We are back in the village of Our Town as the area is deserted except for a stallion and mare standing on either side of the front door to one house, at the end opposite the one used by Starlight. Even though she is not present, her voice makes itself heard easily, with an eerily calm tone.

Starlight Glimmer: (Speaker) In sameness, there is peace. Exceptionalism is a lie. Free yourself from your cutie mark. Choose equality as your special talent.

Inside of the house of where the stallion and mare were in front of, all seven ponies have been confined to this room, whose walls are liberally decorated with equals-sign posters and pictures, and Pinkie is perusing a book, taken from a shelf, whose pages show nothing but this symbol. Twilight stands thinking, Applejack paces the floor, Fluttershy huddles in a corner, near a feed trough full of hay, to peek out one of the narrow windows, Rainbow Dash hammers ineffectually at the door, Rarity gloomily regards the drab window curtains in another corner, and (Y/N) just relaxes himself in another corner with a bored frown on his face.

The purpose of this building is now clear as they have been placed here under guard in an attempt to break their resistance to Starlight's doctrine, including the propaganda being piped in.

Starlight Glimmer: (Speaker) Difference is frustration. To excel is to fail.

Pinkie is seen flipping the pages of the book that she had as there was nothing but equal signs on all of the pages.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, this is pretty good!

Starlight Glimmer: (Speaker) Be your best by never being your best.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh, we've gotta find a way out of here! I can't take much more of that voice!

Rarity is crying her eyes out as mascara is running down her eyes.

Rarity: Oh, this is horrible!

Fluttershy crosses over to her and pats her on the back.

Fluttershy: There, there, Rarity. . . It's not so bad. . .

Rarity: Yes, it is! Look at those drapes! I have no idea if they're tacky or not!

Fluttershy: Well, I think they're nice.

The equals sign on Rarity's haunch flares black for a moment, and she starts into a despairing moan that works its way up toward fire-siren pitch before turning into a fresh crying jag.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 5)Where stories live. Discover now