Chapter 12: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?

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Everypony sees darkness as a bad thing as King Sombra was something like that, but while he had some power of darkness, Nightmare Moon did too. The Mane 7 were supposed to be the light that stops the darkness from corrupting all of Equestria, but now it appears that they will face one of their biggest challenges yet.

Everypony knows that Princess Luna is the Princess of the Night who rules Equestria right beside Princess Celestia. In the past, she had done things that could've made ponies not even forgive her for what she's done and the time that she turned into Nightmare Moon and nearly tried to rule Equestria still haunts her to this day. Little do ponies actually know that it was not entirely Princess Luna's fault for her mistakes.

In (V/N)'s dark realm, his slitted (F/C) eyes could be seen in all of the black void that was all around him as he was staring straight towards the camera while deepening his glare. The camera then rotates to the right of him just a little to show that Grogar was right behind him while glaring (V/N) down.

Grogar: How long do you expect me to wait until I find the said allies that you're referring to, (V/N)? It's been months already, I'm still stuck out of Equestria and you haven't even done SQUAT!

(V/N): . . .Do you really think I of all ponies or lifeforms would bring you here just to squander some time? You lack patience.

Grogar: Well, if I had more hints onto where I can gather allies then I wouldn't need to be so impatient, now would I?!

(V/N): You only need my guidance in order to know what allies you need to gather. You DO NOT need my assistance.

Grogar: *sarcastically* Great. And I'm sure that you standing around and doing nothing at all is going to help a ton.

(V/N) then slightly chuckles from Grogar's sarcastic comment as this confused the blue ram a little bit.

(V/N): Would you like to see exactly just what my definition of doing nothing is?

Grogar: What??

(V/N) then raises a hoof and points it towards Grogar's direction before a large black wisp of darkness shoots out of his hoof and Grogar braces himself as he thought that he was about to experience another punishment from (V/N), but once the darkness was right near Grogar's face, it stops and and enlarges into something that looked like a portal to somewhere. Grogar slowly opens his eyes and he takes a look at this portal to see someone inside of it. Inside of this portal. . . Grogar sees Princess Luna sleeping, but it looked like she was having a bad dream as she was squirming around in her sleep.

Grogar: That's. . . one of the rulers of Equestria, Princess Luna. Younger sister of Princess Celestia and she has the power to enter dreams and control the moon.

(V/N): I know you're wondering why exactly I'm showing you specifically her in this little vision that I'm showcasing. It appears that with enough time that I'm able to actually gain a lot more of my power back from her.

Grogar: That's right. . . You said that you were responsible for her transformation into Nightmare Moon, correct?

(V/N): When I forced her to give in to her negative emotions of her anger, sadness, and disappointment for Celestia, it caused her to give into the darkness thus transforming her into her sinister and more powerful form. I slightly lost control of that when the Elements of Harmony were used to restore her back to normal, but it looks like that's not entirely true. Luna still has a little bit of that darkness inside of her and she's actually using it to harm herself.

Grogar: I'm not concerned for her well being, but why would she harm herself with darkness?

(V/N): Simple. She cannot forgive herself for what she has become yet I was completely responsible for her actions. . . but if she plans on using that leftover darkness. . .

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