Chapter 5: Make New Friends but Keep Discord

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Today was a different kind of day for a couple of ponies as those two were (Y/N) and Fluttershy. Fluttershy invited (Y/N) over for a tea party date, but feeling as though they wanted to have a little bit more of a lively afternoon, they decided to invite Discord as well. They were all now at the cottage seated at a small table set with a teapot and two cups and saucers. Discord reclines on a couch while Fluttershy and (Y/N) sit in chairs.

Discord: Ohoho, but that's not all! When I went to look for them again, they were on the ceiling!

Fluttershy and (Y/N) catch a laugh at the end of this crack.

(Y/N): Discord, sometimes you can just demonstrate to any of us that you're a walking trickster.

Fluttershy: We've never known anypony as funny as you! I love that story about the time you tried to train your right paw. . .

(Y/N): *chuckles* To fetch your left leg.

The two get another laugh in before regaining control of themselves.

(Y/N): I'm glad we invited you today. Usually when Fluttershy and I have tea together, things get a little too quiet.

Fluttershy: Not that it's a bad thing, but inviting you every other week with us changes that.

Discord: Glad to be of. . .

He then reappears to look like a butler before pouring in more tea for both Fluttershy and (Y/N).

Discord: Assistance!

Discord then warps back to his seat in his normal form while (Y/N) and Fluttershy smile at their wacky friend.

Fluttershy: You're helpful too. I can't wait for you to meet my friend Tree Hugger. She's going to love you too.

Discord lowers his tea to look at Fluttershy slightly surprised.

Discord: "Tree Hugger?"

He lets go with a hearty laugh.

(Y/N): You haven't heard? Fluttershy told me that she's somepony she met while having her little expedition to see the Breezies.

Fluttershy: She's a member of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures.

(Y/N): Since Princess Celestia is allowing all of us to bring an extra guest along to the Grand Galloping Gala this year, Fluttershy told me that she was going to bring Tree Hugger along with her.

Discord immediately changed his expression to a sour one.

Discord: *sarcastically* How nice of her.

He takes a bite out of his cup, chomping noisily.

(Y/N): If I could take many ponies out to the Grand Galloping Gala then Fluttershy would definitely be one of them.

(Y/N) says as he wraps a hoof around Fluttershy who giggles in response.

(Y/N): However, I don't have the tickets to take all of them there.

Fluttershy: So we all agreed that this time, we'll stick to whoever we choose to come to Canterlot with us. We're all gonna have so much fun together at the Grand Galloping Gala!

That snaps Discord out of his sullen reverie in an instant. He throws his cup and saucer aside as the table floats up and he scoots his couch closer. He then leans expectantly over the couch's arm toward the two.

Discord: Oh, I was wondering when one of you were going to ask me. I'd love to.

Fluttershy: Oh. Oh, no. Um, I'm afraid I've already asked Tree Hugger. I'm sorry, Discord.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 5)Where stories live. Discover now