Chapter eleven

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After I told Four about my father, things between us increased. He started to become more protective over and anytime Eric asked me to me to do something he steps up and does it for me.

"Alright! Starting today, we will be have our 3rd part to initation. The fear landscape. This is something that tests you to face your fears and break them down. Yes, I understand that you may never get over any of your fears, but this way, you can try." Eric explains to us. I suddenly feel cold. I have so many fears, I guess you could say that was part of my dad, but, I do have some fears that I had when I was a kid. Like being alone, or being left in the dark.

I hate the dark. The dark has always scared me and I still does.

I turn around as I feel a finger tap on my shoulder.

"You look stiff, you okay?" Christina asks. I suck in a breath.

"Ya, I'm fine, just a little.."

"Scared? Scar, scared? Wow, didn't know I'd see this day come?" Peter mocks. I clench my fists and walk up to him. I looked at him the hatred I have towards my father.

"Listen Peter, if you wanna go and mock someone and throw something at someone, I can hand you your ego, I'm pretty sure that it needs it. Because honestly, I am just this close to ripping your ego to part right now."

"Hey, what's going on?" Four asks in a deep voice looking at Peter.

"Nothing, nothing was happening, I was telling Peter that I'll see him around." I reply, storming out of the room.

Punch. Punch. Punch. That's all I do is punch the orange bag, letting the sweat roe down my back and letting my scar show on my back. I take a step back and look at my knuckles.

They're bruised and bleeding, just like they were when my father beat me.

"You know, you don't have to push yourself." I hear Four state, coming in through the door. I let out a sigh and sit down, taking a drink from my water bottle.

"I can't not do that, It's something that I've lived with my entire life."

"You know, I did too. My father beat me too, ever since I was a kid. But I soon learned to let go. Yes, I still fear my father, but I don't push myself anymore. And you can't either." He explains. I do something I have never done.

I kissed him, and surprisingly, he kissed back.

It felt perfect, the whole atmosphere felt perfect. I pulled back and looked Four in the eyes.

"Thank you." 

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