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This isn't an Once upon a time fanfic but simply a story based on the original Peter Pan with a modern twist (kind of). It has a lot in common with the original in the beginning but then I will start to add my own situations and stuff even if I won't leave out the real events.


Have you ever heard of the boy who would watch you as you sleep? He wasn't Sandman or one of Santa's elfs, nor was he Edward Cullen. He was simply a very curious boy who missed the feeling of a family even if he would never admit it. Every night he would fly over London's busy street and no one would notice, simply because grownups couldn't see him and kids don't really pay attention.
Something was different with him though as I'm sure you already have guessed. This boy went by the name Peter Pan and haven't age a day since his 16th birthday a couple of centuries ago, even though he doesn't really remember that. He just knows that he is fairly young. That's quite an odd thing to don't remember, but it was just one of the prices you have to pay while living in Neverland.

If you met Peter he would look quite ordinary the only thing that you may notice is how dirty he could be, but if you ever got a chance to meet him the only thing you would see is probably the famous smile he wears said that 'no woman could ever resist'.
If you however get a chance to take a look on him, you would probably decide pretty quickly that he is a handsome young lad with perfect teeth, matching his perfect smile, black hair that looks soft but messed up and curious sparkling blue eyes that would scrunch up when he smiles. He didn't put any time in styling or even brush his teeth, he simply didn't need to, but I can promise that he still is more beautiful than all the boys at your school.

As I said before he often roamed the streets of London, looking in through windows. And there was one window who he liked to come back to, every night to see the girl with the beautiful voice who told the most extraordinary stories and sang about the precious time of being young for her brothers. Why she did that I'm still not quite sure of but she liked to spend time with her siblings. Maybe she remember how alone she felt the six first years before her first brother, John was born, or maybe her kind heart didn't do well with sibling fights. Anyways her two brothers Michael and John adored her and took after her rather than their parents and this was another thing Peter didn't really like, he was somewhat jealous of not being able to sit in there beside them while Wendy told her stories.

Wendy was a very clever girl, with long light brown hair which framed her face and made it look even friendlier if that is possible. She was well liked amongst both elderly people and the kids her age and was there for to be very missed when she later on disappeared.

-----------------------------------------------------There it is, kind of a prologue I guess. This story will be very bent but has nothing to do with the once upon a time version. I love the ordinary story and really felt like writing this even if it's just for myself, I'm not the best writer but I felt like giving it a try :)

Btw guys, I just thought I'd let you know that I have another ongoing DarlingPan story with a completely different plot and if you'd like to check it out I would be forever grateful <3


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