13. Pocket gun

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Peter had known at once. I guess it wasn't that hard to figure out. The place Hook had chosen would probably be a place where he didn't have to be afraid of the redskins to interfere. The only place like that was Skull rock.

So once again Peter wrapped his strong arms around Wendy and before she had time to react they were up in the air. Peter flew much faster than she ever had and soon they were in an area Wendy never visited before.

"Where are we going Peter?" she asked as the ground beneath her turned into ocean. "The most dangerous place in Neverland, at least for now" The sound of grief in Peters voice took Wendy of guard and the thought of this always so happy boy in a serious state made her cringe. And then it came into view and Wendy could see the enormous stone block in the middle of the ocean, oddly enough shaped like a skull. The whole place seemed to radiate an dark aura even though it was a sunny day.

"Are you sure they're in there?" Wendy asked, she didn't want to get any closer if it wasn't absolutely necessary. "Sorry Wendy" He said as he let them down by the entrance. "Do you have the knife I gave you?" He then asked her looking worriedly at her. She showed him that she still had the knife and assured him that she would be fine as long as they could save TigerLilly and the lost boys.

The inside of the cave was big and spacious only lit by the two circles representing the skull's eyes. The tide water came flowing through the mouth and the cave slowly filled more and more. In the middle on a small rock sat a little girl chained to an anchor. To Wendys surprise the girl couldn't be older than John and doing something like that to such a small girl was just cruel. Whoever did it must have been rotten to the core.

"This must be a trap" Peter mumbled next to Wendy as he looked around himself.

"No, no trap" A dark voice boomed between the walls.

Wendy took a step closer to Peter, hiding behind his lean torso, as she saw the shadow of her nightmares loom over them.

"Hello there Hook, how's life?" Peter didn't sound frightened.

The source of the voice stepped out into the light. A tall man, with a long blood red coat, and a matching hat stood on the rock in the middle of the water, mere centimetres from TigerLilly. If he wished he could just reach out and push her into the water.

The big captains hat he wore covered his eyes but Wendy could see the wicked grin the pirate wore.

"Peter" The man snarled "What a pleasant surprise"

"I'm here for TigerLilly" Peter said, sounding more commanding than Wendy ever heard him speak.

"Well, Peter, since TigerLilly here refuses to speak to me anyways I guess you can have her. I just need to finish something first.." He pulled out a knife, or at least what Wendy though was a knife, and gripped TigerLilly around the throat. It was first then Wendy realised that it was his infamous hook.

"Take your filthy hands of her" Quicker than it all had happened in the first place Peter had appeared by Hooks side, knocking him of balance so that he had to move.

"Don't get involved in my bloody buissnes then" Hook reached for a real sword and a violent fight quickly broke lose.

Peter blocked and stabbed like a professional but so did Hook. They looked more as if dancing, they moved so good in sync.

However you must understand that this is the outcome if you've been fighting the same partner for a hundred years.

They hated each other with such a passion. Yet I'm not sure they really could hurt one another. A friendship grows out of the weirdest situations, and I fear this is one of them.

But finally Peter was in position to place his knife against Hooks throat.

"Give up" He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Oh my dear Peter" Hook responded with a sight.

And that's when Wendy saw it, the gun Hook held in his free hand, pointed to the head of TigerLilly.

"Peter no!" She screamed before she could stop herself. She put her hands over her mouth and tried to disappear into the shadows.

But it had been too late, Hook had already seen her.

"A girl, Peter?" Hooks lips stretched out into the same awful smile as before, and suddenly the gun wasn't pointed at TigerLilly anymore.

It pointed at Wendy.
Cliffhanger, again.. Sorry guys ^^

Please, comment your thoughts on it. Do you want me to finish it or? I won't rewrite it if nobody cares. I mean, PRIORITIES?! XD

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