12. Peter for the rescue

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Wendy had always loved water, swimming, taking baths and water gun fights was all amongst her favourite thing to do. But this wasn't anything like a pleasant bath. The water was cold and soaked her at once. Her thin dress got incredible heavy and her hair floated around her getting all tangled up. Then the water started to enter through her nose and mouth and the panic really got a grip on her, she couldn't think clear. Actually she couldn't think at all. Her mind was blank for anything but the panic and fear. She was completely still, just floating around. The thoughts of trying to find her way back up was all gone. After that she passed out.

Peter didn't see it coming. He knew Alyssa was the leader for a reason but he would never imagine her to do something like that before he threw himself into the water. For some reason he had thrown himself into the water even before he knew it was necessary, he wanted to save Wendy. Make sure she was safe. But they were lucky he did because when he reached her she had already passed out. He swore for himself as he gently put her down at the beach. Was she dead? He almost broke into tears but then, by miracle, Wendy started to cough up water and opened her eyes. Peter got so relieved he almost forgot to help her but together they managed to make her cough up most of the water. "Your friends aren't the nicest" said Wendy weakly when she felt that she could talk again "honestly I never thought Alyssa would do anything like that" Peter said while rubbing Wendy's freezing arms. He heard her mutter "I thought the mermaids would be lovely girls" but he just laughed at this and went back to find a way for her to dry. She was still soaked and cold as ice, even if the sun lay on and it was really hot. Peter decided that they would just sit in the sun for awhile just talking. And while they did that the mermaids observed them quietly from the water. They weren't very happy about how their little prank turned out.

After a few hours they decided to start making their way home. They could have walked but honestly none of them felt like it. The other options was of course to fly but that always made Wendy so tired and after their afternoon accident it didn't seem like a good idea. So Peter offered Wendy too half cary half help her and at first Wendy hesitated. She knew it wouldn't be any trouble at all and she loved the feeling of freedom you got in the air. But at the same time Peter had already done so much for her and she didn't want him to believe she couldn't make it on her own. Peter wouldn't mind at all, of course, otherwise he wouldn't have offered any help. Wendy didn't weight much and he could fly for a hole day without getting tired. So when she let him wrap his arms around her waist and lift them both from the ground he was really happy. A smile spread over his face and he was grateful that Wendy couldn't see how pleased he was just by being able to hold her so close.

They left the mermaid lagoon behind them and flew high over Neverland forests. Peter landed softly in front of the lair and putted Wendy down on the ground gently. Just as he was about to pull the secret lever something cough his eye. A burning arrow sat struck in a nearby tree and Peter made his way over there in a hurry. Poor Wendy hadn't realised why he suddenly got so upset and looked around in confusion. Then she spotted the burning arrow. Both of them knew what had happened before opening the paper stuck to the arrow. It was one of the red skins arrows, of course. Peter took away the paper and handed it to Wendy before throwing the arrow to the ground, trying to stomp it out. Wendy took the paper in her shaking hands and tried to read it. It wasn't easy though, the hand writing was very unclear and that she was unable to hold it still didn't help. At last she managed to read aloud for Peter with her shaky breath "Peter Pan, your friends won't go free if you don't return Tigerlily, you have until dawn or " Wendy's eyes started to tear up before she continued "we will kill them" Peter looked really angry at this point "Tigerlily?" he hissed  "We don't have their old princess" he told Wendy who, of course, already knew this. Wendy was already crying and seeing Peter in this state terrified her. She almost took a step back when he turned to her, but then when he looked her in the eyes she realised something. "But Peter, if we don't have Tigerlily" she started back into his eyes "Hook does" he answers, anger flashing in his eyes.

Hi guys!

I know it's been a while, and I'm really sorry, but during one point last year I lost all my chapters. If you ever experienced that you probably knows that it sucks. When you try to rewrite it something feels wrong and you just.. *sight*

But anyways, I'm back!! And I'll be trying to finish the story this time :)

Much love,
Selena xx

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